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What did the new Chief mean? destroy the beacons? what beacons... I decided to ask Sally. She was still asleep, lying next to me. "Sally?" "Mmmpphhh" "What?" "Mmmmpphhh!" "What does that mean?" "It means shutup, it's 7 am and I'm tired" "Oh, ok...." I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, I was tired, but I was to curious about what the beacons where for. Why where they so important? What did they do? "Sally?... What do the beacons do?" Sally was seeing that I wasn't going to let her sleep so she finally answered my question. "I'm not sure, I think they put influence on people but I'm not sure what kind, why?" "Because Chief told me to destroy them before he died" "We should probably go do it then, they where hidden from the public, and that's usually not a good sign, but first, let's get some sleep." After we slept for another hour we got up and went to the office, we had given a convincing enough speech earlier to persuade the crowd that we should be in office, together, we where in charge. Although after we go and tell Gershwin he is no longer in control we plan to take his place and give the position we have now to Rocky, our good friend, and a great neighbour, the one person that stood up for us when we needed it the most. Once we got there Sally showed me how she had gotten in, I watched and when she opened the door I saw the beacon, I pulled out my pick axe and mined it beacon, along with all the iron blocks around it, we had decided to place it in the middle of the town and have it give off happiness, because of the amount of blocks that where their this new beacon would spread the happiness throughout the whole town! We couldn't wait to see how people would respond. After I mined it Sally and I went downstairs and walked to the middle of the town, it was near the park, when we got their we could see a whole bunch of people yelling and screaming, we ignored them, let them do their own thing, we placed all the iron blocks and then called the crowd that was still yelling, I wanted them all to see that we put this up for them. "Fellow neighbours! Come and look what we have given the community!" As soon as they heard my voice they began running at me yelling and screaming. Surprised I dropped the beacon onto the tower of iron and began running, as soon as the beacon landed it activated and the crowd began to calm down. I went back over to them along with Sally. "What was that! What did I do to you guys?!" "We are really sorry, we were all really nervous that you wouldn't be able to guide our people correctly so we gathered here and talked about it, the more we talked the angrier we got until we decided to hunt you down and kill you. But I think it's alright now, or at least, I have faith in you" we heard other people also say the same after a few seconds. Sally and I were still really shocked. We had no idea what was going  but we needed to find out, we decided to hold a town meeting in the church we were early wedded at.

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