Speech day

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Hi guys, I had some time, so I thought I might as well update t for my loving and amazing fans!

Sally and I woke up early in the morning, it's kind of what happens when you are really excited, you know, like Christmas morning and your waiting in your bed at five AM because your parents yelled at you for waking them up. You just can't wait to open all your presents? Ya that's what they're feeling except a little more fear than excitement because they know they will have to make a speech in front of so many people, Carson will take the first half and Sally the second. "Sally?..." "Yes Carson?" "This is the big day isn't it, either we win the people's votes, or not..." "Yep, and there really isn't much reason to keep lying here, we aren't going to fall back asleep so we might as well go and prepare our speech area." "Sure, but first let's eat breakfast, I'm starving!" Sally and I walked into the kitchen and I got some bread and apples out of our food storage areas and we had breakfast, then we went to the park and set up chairs and a podium. We where five minutes early after everything was ready and there where only a few people in the chairs we had placed including Rocky. "Sally! what are we going to do?! There's like 5 people here!" "We are going to wait five minutes and hope that more people show up, if not then we do it anyway" Said Sally. The 5 minutes passed as if they hours and only one more person showed, it was chief. Sally and I both terribly disappointed, went to the podium and began our speech. "Welcome fellow neighbours, friends, chief. Today I am here to..." I stopped. This wasn't going to work, they'll fall asleep before I get halfway through this! I thought to myself. "Ahem!, I cleared my throat, lowered my notes that had the planned speech written on, and spoke from the heart. I'm not going to address you like I'm doing a speech I'm going to address you as I would normally, as a friend, your neighbour, I may not have lived here long, I may not have gained all your trust yet, I may not be known very well (people are now stopping and coming in and sitting down) but I see lots of potential in this town, I would like to be elected along with almost spouse to help make this village shine and glow in the world of minecraft! And together as a community grow stronger and help each other in all the ways we can, this isn't a formal speech, this is an announcement that we are a strong village, and together we can do anything!" There was silence. (The seats were now full, silent, but full)I began to think that I had totally screwed this up and should have just gone with the notes... But then Rocky began clapping then the person next to him, and not much later everyone was standing on there feet clapping, cheering, whistling, you name it! Sally now came onto the podium grabbed my hand, spun me around and kissed me full on. So happy I kissed back. "Sally..." I said. "I think we won there votes!" Then I kissed her again.

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