Day 4

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I woke up before Sally who was cuddled up next to me. I guess she had gotten cold. Honestly, I don't blame her, because I remember being half awake and absent mindedly (if you know correct spelling please let me know) (mindedly?) moving closer to her from being cold as well. Before I went to make breakfast I went to find the blacksmith in the village. Being such a large village I actually found two blacksmiths, one had 9 emeralds which I traded 5 of them with a villager to get another bow and 20 arrows for Sally. The other chest had a diamond chest plate and 12 obsidian, I would keep the diamond chest plate for me and give Sally six obsidian. As I was walking back I was greeted by an unpleasant but familiar sound (TNT) (16 tributes). "What?!" I thought (thinking someone had killed Sally). I thought this village would be impossible to find!!! As I quickened my pace till I was running with all my heart, then I heard Sally's voice yell out: "Carson!! Carson were are you!" Shocked, thinking her dead I yelled out in return "Here! I'm here Sally!" When we finally found each other both alive we were somewhat relieved. "I thought you were gone!" I said to Sally beginning to cry. "What would I have done without you..." As she hugged me and looked around I then knew that if I were to come out of here alive without her, I would never forgive myself. I had to make sure that she would live instead of me. As we walked back to the house I told her that I had gotten a bow and twenty arrows for her. It was now lunch and I cooked my raw fish in the furnace with some wood we found on our way to the village. She ate one of her pork-chops. When we were finished our lunch we both agreed that we would have a better chance drawing some of the remaining people to us instead of going out to find them. So we prepared ourselves for nightfall. We went to the top of the tower in the village and made an iron trapdoor from the iron we got from the three people who were chasing us. And placed it just above the ladders. We also made a lever to put beside it so we could get in and out. I went down and found two villagers who would accept 4 emeralds for 3 fireworks and some flint and steel.
Next I went out to grab some dirt blocks which I put in the windows and doorway of a house near the tower. After we finished preparing ourselves it was dark so we both ate a pork-chop and went to the top of the tower. I placed one firework so it was pointed upwards. But before I set it to launch I looked at Sally and asked her a question that we both knew the answer to, "Are you ready for this?" She looked back at me and said "you're kidding me right?" And I launched it. As we both watched in awe as it exploded (BOOM) we could hear people screaming in the distance "Look!", "Woooh", "What's that?" And from then on we knew we would have company. "Get your bow ready!" Sally yelled, They're coming. I prepared myself with my bow and started looking around. Then out of the forest I saw three figures appearing with iron swords and a little armor they headed towards the house that I had put dirt on the windows, *"It appears that my plan worked"* I said to Sally. *"The dirt was to fool them making them think that we were hiding in there"*. As they began to open the door Sally and I drew back our bows so that they were aimed right at two of the three people, over the time I had gotten very good at archery and so had Sally so it was going to be a definite kill for each of us. I let my arrow fly right after Sally's. Both of our arrows successfully hit what we were aiming for (TNT,TNT) (15, 14 people left) and almost as soon as the arrows had hit the third person turned around and started running to our base, I went down while Sally stood guard over the hatch. as I reached the bottom he lunged his sword at me which I stopped with my sword. The battle had begun, he instantly pulled his sword back and I pulled out my flint and steel and lit the block he was standing on. "AAAAHHGG!" He screamed and ran outside into the nearest fountain, "Sally!" I screamed "switch!" As I climbed up and she came down the ladder she accidentally knocked down one of the fireworks I had stationed for later. Suddenly the man had reappeared and pulled me back down. "OOOFFF!" I said as my back hit the ground, "Carson!" Sally screamed. As he lifted his sword I saw the firework on the ground pointed at my executioner. I lit it with my flint and steel and put my arms over my head. The firework hit the mans stomach pushing him out the door, BOOM! I heard, then (TNT) only 13 tributes remain I thought to my self. After that exhaustion took over and I passed out.

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