Mining for Swords

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"Uuuuugggghhh... So tired....." "Then shut up and go back to sleep! don't wake me up!" "Sorry Sally... but we gotta eat, I'm hungry... and I know that your hungry." "Ya... but can't I just die of hunger?" "NO!!!" "Wo! Carson! Chill out!" *now in tears* "Sorry, I've been having so many nightmares of my mom continuously dying in front of me and I can't do anything..." "Hey!, it's ok *hugs Carson* its all good I'll take care of you... lets go make breakfast. Ok?" "Ya" *sniff* Can we have bread with the new wheat I picked yesterday?" "Not really we were going to use it to make a cake for your birthday tomorrow! Remember?" "Ya ya, I'll go get some wheat from the garden then." "Ok, that I can live with" "So you go get the bread while I get... awake" "Yes my sleepy queen." I went outside to find that 14 pieces were done growing so I harvested them all. on my way back there was something getting closer to me in the distance. "Hello?" I yelled. "Sally, is that you?" It got closer and closer and then it's shape began to form. I froze. CREEPER!!! (Almost scarier than the cow) the creeper was now in front of the door still coming to me. Suddenly Sally ran outside slamming open the door flinging the creeper towards a tree "Where's the cree-" BOOM! After I saw that the danger was gone I breathed. "Oh, there he is.. I mean was!" Said Sally. "Are you awake yet sunshine?" I asked. I finished collecting the wheat and went inside. after we finished making the bread and storing the leftover wheat we sat down (shifted) at the table. "We really need to get some swords, you know.. so you and I don't die!" "Ya, no kidding! Hmmmm... there's a mine not to far from here that I saw on our way back from the cliff" "hmm well then after we celebrate your birthday we'lol go. I'll grab some sticks, building blocks and make two wooden picks, ladders, a crafting table and some furnaces, we will just put it by the door so it's ready for later" "Ok... so I'll just sit and watch?" "No you go get two shovels from upstairs." "Ok" when we had everything ready we piled it in our backpacks with a surplus of food and put it by the door. "So I need the eggs, wheat and mild from yesterday for your cake Carson!" "Ok!" I went to the kitchen chest and grabbed the necessities for the cake. When it was done we put it on our table and went to bed.

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