Destruction is uppon us

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"Get up! Get up! Herobrine is destroying everything!!!" "WHAT!?" I yelled. "Grab your stuff we gotta get out of here!" I saw Sally instantly bolt out of her bed and grab her stuff, I then did the same. "I'll take you to our base, hopefully we will be safe there!" We looked out a glass pane as we ran by "darn...." I said as I saw burning building everywhere. We ran outside hearing screams all around us, people running all over the place tripping over each other while some were killing themselves trying to greater tragedy. Then we saw Herobrine, and he saw us. All he did was smile... then turned towards a house still in good condition and made it explode. We heard more screams and saw people come out of the remains of the house burning. "darn, darn, darn, darn! I swore. As we were running some people saw us and ran towards us. "You little darns, why the hell did you bring this darn upon us!" they looked like they were going to fight us but we now had experience. we pulled out our swords and quickly killed them. "Ok... so keep on your good side!" Our Protector remarked (He shall be called Protector) "Probably a good idea" I replied. We ran deep into the forest and then decided to set up camp in a clearing we found, every once and a while we heard people running, screaming, crying coming from the district. "I don't think we are to popular among all the people right now.." I said. "Ya, but they just don't understand that it's not really our fault! Yes we woke Herobrine, but it was an accident and we would never want him to do this to all these districts!" Sally said. "Woh, Woh, Woh! Back up, you woke Herobrine!? Everyone's been saying that he was already awake and you teamed with him trying to get him to kill everyone!" Protector said. "What!? That's absurd! We need to let these people know what happened!" Sally yelled. "Yeah but how!?" I asked. "Once we get to our secret base we can let everyone know and tell them to spread the news!" Our protector yelled. "One question protector" I asked. "Why didn't you believe the rumours?" "Well... all my buds at the base told me how you would have helped with the train fight, when they were still alive...*sniff*" "We're sorry about what happened but we have suffered too and we need to move on" Sally said. "Yeah, I know, *sniff* k, I'm good" We ate one piece of chicken each then rested a while while with one of us watching, then later switched roles (sleeping, watching)

Woh! LongchapterFTW! (For those who don't talk slang, Long Chapter For The Win!)

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