Day 1

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I truly was not prepared to fight yet. I thought to myself as I threw on my leather chest-plate. This might be it! And with my heart beating faster every second I closed my eyes and started rapidly swinging my cobblestone sword waiting to be hit. And then I herd or at least thought I heard "OOOF!!" I opened my eyes not to see pearly gates (or in my case pointy red blood stained gates) but Sally pushing the man to the metal wall and stabbing him repeatedly. Thankfully seeing that to her he would be no problem I decided to take on one of the other 24 (soon to be 23) people. I was still not fond of going out to kill people but because I would die if I didn't gave me no choice. I chose a kid that was smaller than me, he had his head in a chest and was wearing an iron helmet. But when I looked at him, the only thing that I could think about was what a cruel thing that I must have to do, to kill others to save myself. But before I struck him I realized that he would have died anyway (which made it easier for me to kill him) and the person whom would kill him may not make a quick death like I would. And a quick death it was, with one stab through the heart he took his last breath and died. (Sound of TNT..... Sound of TNT) After collecting my stuff I did the simple math in my head, Two explosions, one for my person and one for S-. As I turned the corner my friend Sally was not beating the man but BEING the one being beaten! NO!!! I screamed as I rushed to the bent over man I stabbed my sword through the persons head (sound of TNT), "Please God! I screamed hoping that she was still alive. As I put my ears near her chest and heard a strong heart beating inside. "Thank God!" I said to my self, it must have been someone else who died, now how am I going to find a safe place for us to sleep? I looked around and realized that Sally and I where the only ones still in the middle, so I decided that we would stay near the iron building for the night.

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