The message

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(We will start with Carson's point of view)
"I just can't find her!! Were could she have gone!" "You getting tired of looking for her yet?" I jumped back in shock. Not expecting a... a...? "What the hell are you?" "I'm code 922 out of 1000, part of my masters, Herobrine's army.
We have been made to kill... But I have been programmed not to kill for this mission, instead deliver a message from Herobrine Come to these coordinates by tomorrow morning or else Sally will never be seen again he also doesn't care wether you bring anything or not, he believes you are harmless against him. "you no good darn!!" "I am programmed, I have no emotions" he then just, vanished! But dropped his book. I opened it to find coordinates. I had to get ready for the meet. Had to suit up.

Sorry it took so long to get this out!! Been busy with school and I'm almost fourteen and I'm trying to get a job so that kept me busy too... My next chapter will be longer though!
I would just like you to check out four of my followers! They have great stories that should be read!
And I'd put down another one but he's always changing his name and picture and account so I don't know what to put down!

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