Day 5

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I woke up in a small house with a witch looking at my head. "AAAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed. "yo- you- your a a witch!" "Calm down Carson" said Sally. "this witch saved your life." "how?" I asked. "When the firework exploded I came down the ladder to find you with little health left. I ran around the village with you in my arms asking, to see if anyone could help you. They all told me to come to this house, so I did. she took all of our iron swords, except mine for payment. Then she gave you a couple potions of instant health which leads up to know." "All our iron swords?" "Yes." she replied. "That's a lot of iron for a few healing potions... Would you be willing to give Sally and me an invisibility potion without the bubbles effect also?" "Hmmmmm.. What's in it for me?" Asked the witch. "Well... If you don't give us them, just before I die, I will let my executioner know that you have speed potions and all other kinds of useful gear, I will also tell him or her were you are." "Hmmmm, fine but if I have someone come in here on a rampage looking for potions I will haunt your soul, wherever you go, heaven or hell." "Deal" I said. "Deal" the witch said. "It was nice doing business with you." I said. On our way out the door I noted that it was almost lunch, and me skipping breakfast I was very hungry. "What do you think of 2 apples for lunch Sally?" "Sounds good to me." She replied. While eating my apple I asked Sally, "By the way what stuff did you find from the people who came last night?" "Nothing but their swords, I figure that they hid their stuff in a chest so that if they were to die we wouldn't get their stuff." As we turned the corner of the hill we were walking beside I saw smoke in the distance. "What's that?" I asked. "That's the village, someone is lighting it on fire!" Sally said quickening her pace. "They or the person must have seen the fireworks and waited for morning!Good thing I grabbed our stuff before I left for help last night." Said Sally. I started running after Sally who was now running towards the village. I pulled out my diamond sword as I was running. "Quick we have to kill them before all the villagers are dead!" Sally yelled. When we got to the village we could see 2 women cornering a group of villagers killing them, one by one. I quickly pulled out my bow and aimed for the taller one. I let my arrow fly and saw the person fall down dead (TNT)(12). "What?" The other person said and turned to see Sally coming up behind her. Quickly she moved to Sally's left while tripping her in the process. The enemy lifted her sword and right before she struck one of the villagers ran into her to make her fall. As soon as she was down I let my second arrow fly. Another hit (TNT)(11 people left including Sally and I). "Sally!" I rushed over. "Are you ok?" "Couldn't be better." She moaned. All the villagers started coming out of there homes and made a circle around us. "They are heroes!" One yelled. "They must be rewarded!" Another said. then the tallest of all the villagers cam out and said, "You two have saved my people from great harm. How can we repay you?" I looked at Sally and then at me and noticed that our armor was getting weak. Is there anyway you can repair our old armor and possibly give us even more armor?" "It will be done." The villager said. And so it was, while we went to sleep the villagers went to their blacksmiths to repair our armor.

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