Day 3

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I woke up to Sally whom was shaking me in a rather hurry. "WAKE UP!!!!" she screamed. "What.... it's still night I moaned." "THERE COMING QUICK GRAB YOUR STUFF!!!" "Who's coming?" I asked (getting a little more worried) THE PEOPLE ON THE BEACH!!" "There's no peo-" as I turned I saw three people swimming towards us with iron swords out. "OH ****" I screamed rapidly I got up and grabbed my stuff while eating an apple. "THERE GETTING CLOSER!!!" Sally screamed. "I KNOW" I replied. As I finished my apple, I sprinted and jumped into the water and started swimming away towards the land with Sally. *"ok so the plan is to make it to shore and bolt to the cliff, at the bottom of the cliff is a lake which we can jump into". She whispered to me. *"Ok... but there's one problem".* I said. *"What!?"*. *"I'm afraid of heights"*. "WHAT!??" "Sorry! but don't tell me that your not afraid of anything". "Well then I'll just have to push you because one way or another we're going off that cliff!" Said Sally. By the time we were at the shore the people had reached the middle and dived in after us. "RUN!" Said Sally. and run I did. faster than I have ever ran before. And in no time we were at the cliff. I tried to slow down out of fear but slipped and fell. Sally gave a quick glance back and then jumped to join me. That fall was the longest 5 seconds of my life, as soon as we got to the water we started swimming towards the shore. Sally made it to shore first and then motioned for me to come and crouch in the overhang of the cliff. We could hear them yelling and swearing and then we heard death... (TNT). I have had times in my life were I've been angry, but never enough to kill someone!! 19 tributes left. I thought to myself. I started scanning our new home and saw a chest hidden in the corner. I walked over and opened it to find a bow and 18 arrows with a raw fish. As I came back to show Sally. Suddenly the same 2 people who were chasing us before jumped down and landed in the water. Instantly I pulled out my new bow and took a shot at the one closer to me, I missed. I took another shot again and hit the farther person on the head (TNT)(18). "GARY!!!" The person shouted. As he was turning his head he was stabbed by Sally's iron sword (TNT). As Sally went deeper into the water I did the math to realized there was only 17 people left. She came back onto the land and was holding out an iron sword. "What's that for Sally". "I don't know, should we put it in the water to let it disappear? Or keep it in case we need it". Phew I thought she was going to try and kill me I thought to myself. "Ummmmm we should probably keep them". Sally came up to me and handed me a loaf of bread and then told me to eat it now for lunch. Being hungry I did as I was told. After lunch we decided to move, people hearing the yelling and stuff probably not the best thing. As we were walking through the forest we saw a villager whom was walking around the grassy plains, he didn't see us and we decided to followed him. He led us through hills and caves and by the time he got to his village it was dark. Sally and I went and slept in one of the houses for the night and because we found it so hard to follow the villager we could only imagine how hard it would be to find this place without guidance, so we both slept without taking turns watching throughout the night.

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