The Haunting...

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"****!!!! ****!!! ****!!!!!" I yelled as I ran out of the mine with Sally behind me. "Quick Carson!! To the house!!" "Where else!?!" We ran as fast as we could even though our energy (food bar) was getting low. "We'll talk when we get back, *gasping for air while running* I have no idea what the hell his powers are so its best not to talk now" "*gasp* Less talk more run!" We finally got back to our house, we ran in and placed glass in front of the door. "If he comes we will see him or or at least hear him break the glass. We decided not to talk but right out our ideas (not knowing what he could do or hear).
(Now writing In a book) "K, first let's figure out who this guy is!" "I've heard my mom talk to people about a guy just like this, his name was herobrine" "Ok, so we have a creepy white eyed guy named, heobrine following us around, anything else you know about him?" "He was brothers with our maker.. Notch, but then he wanted to do something extremely cruel with the world and Notch didn't agree so he cast him from the kingdom of the Gods and ever since he's been terrorizing people, that is till some witch cast a spell on him. Because he was so powerful she could not kill him so she put him to sleep with the spell and then hid him. And I guess when we opened the blocks we awoke him..." "So we're being tracked by a God!?" Sally wrote "I guess so..." (Now out of the book) "We have to get out of here, as soon as possible" Sally said with a hint of fear.

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