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I woke up (Sally) thinking how wonderful Carson was, I was so much in love, he was so amazing..... (Now Carson) I opened my eyes staring into Sally's, it was like we could read minds at that moment, which I actually could do... I hadn't told many people about my mind power, and I haven't used it recently because I hadn't needed to, (refresher, Carson can speak to people through there minds, and they can speak back) as me and Sally stared at each other I said to her through my mind, "Hi!" Surprised, her expression changed for a second before she remembered I had powers. "Morning handsome!" She said mentally back. We smiled and laughed together, then we slowly got up and went to make breakfast, Sally and I both noticed that we were running out of food, so we decided we would go out to the stores to pick up some food, the nice thing in this village, is that we all worked together, and nobody was ever charged money or had to pay money there was none!, everyone just understood that they should help when they can and take when they need, our village was self-sufficient. For breakfast we had some bread and milk, after that all we had two beef uncooked, and three apples, so we decided to go and buy some fish and potatoes for lunch we went out and while we were picking up food we heard many people murmuring about how they wished that a better Head Master would be elected, I began talking to Sally on our way back, about us running for Head Master, (Carson talking) "We could run this place, we would learn so much, and hopefully help this town where needed" "Yes, but we just got here so what are the chances that we are going to get elected? Barely any one knows us! We can try but let's not make any fake promises, agreed?" "Yes" after lunch we made some signs to get the word out that we wanted to run for Head Master, we said that we would have a talk in the new park the very next day, Sunday, a week before our wedding we spent the rest of the day placing signs and making a speech, then after we were sure we were ready, we went to sleep.

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