Day 7

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I was up in the morning because I had taken the second watch. We were still in the cave. I could see the light shinning into the cave. "Come on Sally." "Mmmmmn?" She replied. "Morning already?" Time to get moving. I told her. We put our armor on and started heading towards the cave entrance. On our way to the entrance we heard some breathing. We turned a corner to find 2 wolves sleeping. *"To bad we don't have any bones."* I whispered to Sally. We kept moving towards the front of the cave. Then Sally's foot hit some rubble which fell and made a small noise. "Gggggrrrrrr." One of the wolves growled as he and his girl woke up. Then he stopped growling and started sniffing something. He came over to my backpack (all tributes were given a backpack at the beginning of the games) and pulled an apple out. Me and Sally looked at the wolf and then at each other without saying a word (not wanting to startle the wolves). Then the female wolf came over and pulled a piece of pork out of Sally's backpack (now looking comfortable and relaxed) Sally asked. "I thought they only had bones and steak?" "Maybe they were really hungry." I replied(while slowly beginning to move. (Now moving and talking fully without worry of attack) "Well we should probably go before they eat all our food." Sally said. "I agree." I replied. We started to head out of the cave, once the wolves realized we were leaving they began to follow us. "Shooo!" Sally yelled. "lets just keep going." I said. "They'll stop following us once they realize that they won't be getting anymore food." We continued through the forest and later stopped for lunch. We cooked two pieces of pork each. I got full rather early along with Sally (probably feeling guilty, not feeding the wolves) so we gave the leftovers to the dogs. As we continued walking we got used to having the dogs around, so we gave them names and honestly, they caught on very quickly. I named the boy that was "my" dog Jerry, and Sally named "her" dog Jessica. There were not many players left so it probably wouldn't take long for the Games to end so we both agreed that we had enough food for both us and the dogs. While we were walking the dogs started to stop frequently and sniff around. We thought it was normal and just continued on, but then both of the wolves stopped, turned around and started growling. "Gggggrrrrr." after the growling the wolves started running back from were we came. "Jerry!!!" I yelled. "Jessica!" Sally yelled. We started running after them. Suddenly we heard screams. "AAAAHHHH!!!!" "GET OFF YOU DOGS!!!!!" "AAAHHHH!!!!" (TNT 7 people left, TNT 6 people left) We ran to find our wolves standing in a pile of 10 bread 6 apples and 8 pieces of chicken, we also saw some damaged armor with 1 stone sword and 1 iron sword. Me and Sally looked at each other astonished, then at the dogs. Sally pulled two pieces of pork out of her backpack and gave it to the wolves. "I think they deserve a treat for saving us from those 2 people who were following us, besides look at all that food there!" "Agreed." I replied. While the wolves ate there pork Sally and I divided up the food. Sally kept the swords and we left the armor on the ground to lessen the weight of our backpacks. Then We continued to the canyon with our wolves. By the time we got there it was very dark and Sally was so exhausted that I let her sleep while I took first watch.

Sorry for the wait but these are my first midterms and I've been studying!
Please keep waiting for new parts!

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