Where is he/she?

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(Starting with Sally)
"Who are you? What do you want?!? What are you going to do to me?" "Well what am I going to do with you, probably torture. What do I want from you? I get my fun from torturing people.. And all my other prisoners died so take a WILD guess. As for who am I..." He turned around and revealed his white glowing eyes with a dark smile. "Herobrine... You.... killed... my CHILD YOU LITTLE DARN!!!!" "Oh so what? I kill so many people, it's just, so much, fun." I became sick and vomited beside the chair either if it was because of what he said, or because of how I've been treated, extremely poorly. "Hmm..." He said with a creepy smile
"You look like your going to stay here and never make it out already!"
?!?!!? Where is she? Who took her? Where did they take her? I actually feel like something is missing.. Someone.. That I... Love? No no no... Could it be? Do I have a crush on Sally? I thought. "Carson! That is completely absurd!" I said to myself. "You just miss her! It's natural!... Or is it?"
*Cough!, Cough!* I spewed up blood from my throat "Darn! I need to get out of here..." "Mmm hmm!" I heard Herobrine laugh. He was holding a knife. "See this? It's no ordinary knife.. This one is red hot.." He thrusted it into my arm... "AGGGHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed in agony. "Go ahead, no one can here you!" He walked out laughing. I wish Carson was here... I thought to myself... He always guarded me in times of need.. I miss him! He comforted me... I think I.. I... like him... Oh how I wish he was here...

Oh! How the love begins!!! This is going down with Cupids arrows right through both of their hearts! 😍

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