Preparing to escape

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I've talked to some people (my dad) and because that it's to easy to misuse the four stars I will be filling it in with "darn" don't want to suggest wrong use of imagination!

"Ok so how do we escape this guy, considering we don't even know where he is" Sally asked. Suddenly we heard talking and screaming everywhere from every direction. "AGHHH!!!, Leave us alone, I BANISH YOU, You are so evil!! And so you shall forever sleep..." We started to get really Dizzy and collapsed on our bedroom floor. I woke up at what appeared to be night time. "Sally! Get up!" "Hmmm? What happened!?" "I don't know..." I looked around and saw a glow through the door. "What is that?" I asked. Sally and I both walked closer to the glow past our bedroom in the kitchen (the glow was in the kitchen, they are in their bedroom) We got to the door to see the glass wall broken and redstone torches everywhere. "Darn, we got to get out of here, or herobrine is going to kill us" "Well we better go get ready then" I said. Through the rest of the night we prepared ourselves for the next day, we made our swords with the materials we mined, and this time Sally got the diamond sword while I got an iron sword. We made an anvil and repaired all our armor except my diamond armor (because of lack of diamonds) We then packed as much food as we could hold while carrying other materials. Next we made some arrows with some feathers that we got in the arena from people and chests. And Last we made bows from string and sticks we had gotten while living here in the woods. Anything we could not bring we then hid under the foundation of our house. Then we took turns sleeping and watching with what was left of the night.

Inventory lists
Armor: Full iron.
Food: 10 bread, 10 pork, 5 apples, 10 chicken, 5 steak.
Weapons: 20 arrows, diamond sword, bow.
Other: 64 wood, 1 furnace, 1 crafting table, map (from arena), 32 sticks, 10 cole.

Armor: Iron helmet, diamond chest-plate, iron boots, iron leggings.
Food: 10 apples, 5 bread, 5 chicken.
Weapons: iron sword, bow, 15 arrows.
Other: 64 cobblestone, 1 crafting table, 1 furnace, map, 64 torches, 10 cole.
(And yes I kept a piece of paper with there inventory items for the games, it was so much work!)

And I don't think I mentioned this, but the dogs where also taken by the gaurds and killed:(

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