The Scariest Creature To Carson.... EVER!

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Hi there! Sorry for the wait on this chapter but I've been kinda busy....

I woke up to a big brown and white scary beast head that was liking my face liking my face....
"What!?! What is it Carson!?" I then head butted with the animal while lifting myself up.
"Hahahahaha!!!!" Sally laughed. "Oh my... Carson.... It's a cow! You know... The steak you wanted yesterday?" "Ohhhhh..." We both laughed. Then Sally killed the cow while I set our furnace down. "To bad they didn't let us keep our swords or bow... It would be a lot easier to kill these animals here..." "Ya." I replied "But why would they let us keep weapons?" "Us with weapons... they probably think we're going to kill guards and try to escape." "I know, but it's just so annoying..." "We can go mining for some materials later." I said. We'll make our own weapons!" When we finished cooking we sat down (yes I know you can't sit in Minecraft but bear with me! I can't follow ALL the Minecraft rules!) at the edge of the cliff and ate. "I got some leather from the cow which we could use to repair our backpacks with! You know... when they get damaged" "Oh that's good!" *after staring off the cliff a while* "So what are we going to do for a house?" I asked. "I don't know... I think we are going to be here for a long time so we should make it a nice house." "Agreed." " We could do a little bit of wooden planks, cobblestone, oak wood, and maybe some wool." Sally suggested. "I think that will make a nice house, We can have our own rooms, a kitchen and... and... a bathroom!" *Awkward pause* "What's a bathroom?" Sally asked. "I don't know... I don't even know what you do in a bathroom..." "Well then... Let's get started!" We headed down the mountain and broke down some oak trees and then layed the base of our house.

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