Home sweet home... What happened to you?

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Staring on Carson

"Well, Its all over Sally" Carson said... "Sally.. I have something to ask you" "Yes Carson?" "Well.. Um.. I was really lonely when you where gone and I really realized how much I truly missed you... I was wondering if *getting on his knees..* Would accept my offer to be your husband?" "*Gasp, Speechless* Oh my gosh! Carson! Yes! I missed you so much while I was in custody! Hopping that LEAST I would be able to see you once more, I was truly waiting for you to ask me this question" *Both in tears of Joy* "We should probably go fix up our house" I said interrupting our moment of great happiness. "I think after being left for so long that it will need some maintenance" "Ok, Then we can go find a priest villager and plan a grand wedding after we finish the repairs!" We walked around, trying to recall where our house was but could not find it. We finally stumbled upon a village and decided to ask them if we could stay, realizing that we had lost our house and it was no use to continue searching. "Excuse me! Villager! Where is the chief of this town?" Ummm.. He would be in the tower building beside the blacksmith" "Thank you!" We walked to the building and and opened the door. The Villager was standing there with an adviser. "Hello Chief! We have come here hoping to receive help from your village. I am Carson and this is my fiancee, Sally" "Hello, My name is chief. This is my adviser, Adviser. This is my village, its name, is Village" "Well... that's very straight forward" "Yes, its just how we like it. Now you where asking for help, what kind of help?" "Well it would be nice if you let us have a place to live, we have found ourselves lost in this area and need a house. We will help in the village, we just need a place to stay" "I think that can be arranged. But you must not stop working, everyone works until the work is done. Gardening, tool repairs, House repairs. It all must be worked on but it you stop, we will have no choice but to make you leave the village" "That is understandable" Carson said. "We dont have any homes at the moment but we would be okay if you built a new house, and we will not have you do work while you build, I'd think it would be a little much" "Thank you, we will make ourselves a house" Carson told him. "If you need any assistance please, don't be afraid to ask" We said thank you once more and then went into the nearby woods for some materials, when we came back we began to build our new house, while we were doing so we noticed a middle aged man watching us. Finally he spoke while we where working on the roof. "You know, if you put some stairs on your roof, it makes the rain a lot quieter in the night, and you'll get a much better rest" "Realizing that he was right we thanked him and did what he said, he came over and inspected our house that we were making pointing out some minor mistakes. We never had time to finish the house that day so he invited us in for the night. We came in for dinner and had a great talk and sharing of stories. "So how bad is the work load here?" Sally asked the man who we later found out his name to be Rocky.
"Well it depends if you are strong or not, when my wife was around before she passed on she told me that the girls did the Making of armour and gardening. As for us men Carson, we do all the repairs of houses and tools, armour, all that stuff" "Alright, how long have you lived here?" I asked him this time. "Well, my parents got this house from my grandparents and I got it from my parents. And I'm 37 my birthdate is July 7... I was wondering if maybe you guys would like to come back on over to my house for a celebration?" "Why sure, Sally and I would love to come, would you like to come to our wedding?" "I would love to, thank you. Well, it's getting late, today was my break day and I have to go work tomorrow, so I'm going to head to bed, you guys can sleep in the guest room, it's fairly big and comfortable" "Thank you again Rocky, we will see you tomorrow I guess?" "Don't count on it, I have to get up early, good night you to love birds" "Goodnight Rocky!" We both said in unison as we headed to our room with droopy eyes.

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