The Iron Men

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Sunday! I woke up and looked outside, about 10:00 A.M. I got an AMAZING rest. Although, when I looked outside, I was very concerned. There was a large smoke cloud rising over the town. "Sally... Get dressed, grab Matthew. And fast." "But what if I don't want to ge-... Oh." She now also saw what was outside" she ran to go get dressed, I went looking around the house for weapons. Soon I had searched the whole area except for downstairs, and I had no weapons yet. I ran down, and as soon as I got there I wish I had never come down. The obsidian rooms where open, but there wasn't just regular stuff inside, a lot of big, mean, grey and blue, metal looking iron golems. I froze, they froze. Or did they? Where they ever even moving? I wanted to have a better look, so I quietly walked around the box hoping not to wake any of them up, after I had been around all the sides I new that there where 8 grey and 4 blue Giants, why they where different colours I do not know. There was a chest in the obsidian room but I didn't want to get to close so I left it alone, I went back upstairs to check on Sally. Once I had gotten upstairs Sally was dressed, she had eaten, packed some food, and any medical equipment we had, she was holding Matthew with one arm, he was crying and she was trying to calm him down. "The obsidian walls where open, there are a bunch of Iron Giants in there!" "Oh boy, are they moving?!" "No, they seem to be frozen" "Ok, I think it's best if we leave them, we can go and help at the town, Lets go!" We ran as fast as we could to the town, and when we finally got there the place was in ruins, not a soul to be seen. But then we heard footsteps! We both did, so we both ran towards the noise, we came around a burning house and saw a large Iron giant, except this one was a different colour from the ones in the obsidian back at my house, this one was red. It just stared at me, then Matthew started crying again, it made a noise and I heard more footsteps, soon there wasn't just one red giant, there was 8. Sally and I where now running, Sally holding Matthew as tight as she could, running through the village that once had happy villagers, that once prospered, but now it was all ashes and rubble. We where still running, now out of sight from the red Giants when suddenly someone grabbed Sally and rushed us into a building, their where some villagers in it. "Where have you been!?" Asked one villager. "We've been hiding since sunrise!" "It's a Sunday, you know, our one, day, off!?" "People like you shouldn't get a break, there is always stuff happening!" "Shut-up!!! Another younger villager yelled. "This isn't getting us anywhere! I think you should know what's going on, it was a normal day, we all woke up at our usual times, some went to work, others stayed home on there break day, but just as the sun began to rise the main office, where Rocky works now, began to shake! The structure rose off the ground and under it was a large obsidian box, the walls opened and 12 iron Giants came out each side, 10 where red, and 2 where green, we have reason to believe that the green ones are some form of general or something, because they seem to give the orders to the red ones. They ordered the red ones to divide us, or so it seemed, we can't really understand what they are saying. But they divided the boys and girls. Some of the men got out swords and pickaxes and tried to stop them, they attacked for about 5 minutes, then the Giants patience seemed to end, the red Giants stomped on any of the men that where attacking them, this obviously scared everyone and before you knew it everyone was running different directions! They killed some of us, a large portion of the town, left with Rocky to go to other towns and try to get help, and then we stayed here, there are some others hiding in other buildings, the red Giants have been searching the buildings and killing those who attack them, those who don't are divided, boys, and girls." "There where some at my house too." I said. "There where blue ones and grey ones. Although they where not moving." Sally seeing that I was going to be talking about this for a while got up and started going around asking people if they needed any medical aid, they all kindly refused. Matthew started crying again so this time Sally went to go breast feed him for the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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