I Now Pronounce you...

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"You look beautiful" I said to Sally. She blushed. "You don't look to bad yourself handsome!" Now it was my turn to turn crimson red. My heart was beating quicker and quicker with nervousness, this was it, I was going to walk down the isle first then she would follow, it was my first and most likely my last time ever going to do this. But that didn't give me a reason to be scared. You walk everyday, this is nothing new... I thought to myself, but I was wrong, because today I was walking with a purpose, a reason, a meaning... Love. I walked down the isle, and before I knew it the Priest was giving us our title. "I now pronounce you, Husband, and Wife. Congratulations" A roar of applause came from the audience, followed by cheers, whistles you name it. It had finally happened. "You may now kiss the bride." I leaned in and made our first kiss as husband and wife, ahhhh.... Love. Then I grabbed her by the hand and we ran out of the church, through the crowds, to where I had tied up the horses we had rented for the day. Then we rode off, we went into the woods were no one could bother us, it was just my wife and I, we rode up and down mountains, we went swimming by waterfalls, we lay on the grass and stared at the clouds, and then as the sun went down we sat on the edge of a mountain to watch it. It was so beautiful, I wouldn't have given it up for anything in the world... after our "honeymoon" was over, and our horses needed to be returned, we went back to the village tired after such a long day, we got home went to bed and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit our pillows....
If Sally wasn't making such a good smelling breakfast I never would have gotten up, I was so tired, I new that it would be tiring doing activities for half the day, but I didn't think it would be this tiring! The smell of the fresh bread, the newly cut apples, it smelt so good, who wouldn't get out of bed for that? Besides, me and Sally where meeting with Chief today to do some investigating. "Morning Sally." I said as I walked into our kitchen "Well someone sounds tired, yesterday wore you out?" "Yeah... But I'll live, I just need to mentally wake up still" I said with a smile. We ate our breakfast and went to go meet Chief by the park, he had given us the day off so that we could help him get to the bottom of our new discovery. "Hello Chief!" I said. "Hello, how are you two today?" "Fine." Sally said. "A little tired." I added. "But still really curious about what we're going to find." "Well let's not waste anymore time talking lets go find out!" He said with a grin. "I checked the villages files, the person who handed the announcer the envelope had never done it before, first time, and he lives in house 54." "That's right... Here! " I said as we turned a corner to see a normal house just like all the others. "It looks deserted...." I started. "He must be out doing his work for the day." We knocked on the door. Empty. Chief looked around "I'm not really supposed to do this but...." He pulled out something small that was metal and stuck it in the lock, it was a lock pick, it opened after a few seconds of struggling. "It's for emergencies, this is an emergency right?" We looked inside, totally deserted, not a chest, nothing, even the crafting table and furnace were gone! We took a few steps inside and then Sally and I heard an unmistakable sound, the sound of ignited TNT. I looked down near Chiefs foot to find that he had hit a trip wire. "RUN!!!" I yelled. Sally didn't need to be asked, she had already bolted for the door. It was Chief that was slow to react. He had not developed the quick reflexes someone would need to survive in something like the hunger games. We were at the door when the TNT began to explode it pushed all three of us out the door, Sally was ahead of me, I made it out with about three hearts. Chief was behind me, I turned around to see no one.... Just small bits of smoke rising from a spot on the ground.... That and a the envelope with the letter inside...."NOOO!!!!....." There was no got hurt, die soon like everybody sees in action movies these days, there was no last words, it was either you were alive or dead that is the sad laws of Minecraft. Who did this? Why did they do this?! I quickly grabbed the envelope, the cursed wretched thing that started this all! If I had just left it on the ground none of this would never have happened! I wanted to throw it away and never see it again. But it was the last thing the Chief had before he died, to me it had some sentimental value... I could here Sally crying as I crawled closer in pain to comfort her, we had just lost one of our two good friends in this village. As much as I wanted to throw that letter away I more so wanted to use it to get revenge on whoever did this to Chief.... I will find that person I swore to myself.... To Chief.

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