Rocky's Birthday!

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Sorry it's taken so long to update, I have just gotten a job and has to be very dedicated. But... This Is a new chapter and I'm not going to leave u hanging, so... Be happy!

We woke up and ate breakfast knowing that we would be going to Rocky's party later that day, thankfully we had something planned, we were going to fix up his yard, it was needing a little bit of fixing after a few years of ignorance, grass dying, flowers needing straightening, bushes needing pruning, so we ate breakfast waited for him to leave and then went to work, we started with the grass, we went out into the woods and dug up some new grass, then brought it back and replaced his old grass, cut it, and moved on to the flowers. Half of them where dead so we tore them all out and went to the store to pick up some new ones, while we where there we invited a few people we had met earlier to help us out and celebrate his birthday with us. Some of them accepted our offer and others couldn't because they were not on a break day, in total we had four other people come to help us, we finished pruning, then made his yard go farther back into the woods, added a gazebo, a small fountain, and fixed his fence that was old and breaking down, next was his deck, rotting wood and breaking chairs all were repaired, last we made a birthday cake and waited for him to come home, after an hour of talking and getting to know each other a little more we heard him open his door, we all quieted down and knocked on his back door that was attached to the deck, we heard him coming and all got ready, then he opened the door and yelled "Surprise!!!" He was indeed a little surprised but more so happy, then we moved away so he could see his new yard, he just began to slowly walk around looking at everything and then came running and gave everyone a hug while thanking us, then we showed him his cake we had made, he was overcome with emotion and began crying, we all hugged him sat and ate cake for about an hour, then the party died down and people started to go home, we were the last people to leave, and gave him a hug, then we left him because it was late and we were getting tired. I got into bed and wondered what we where going to do on a Sunday morning.

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