Day 8 (Last Chapter unless wanted to be continued...)

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It was around 7:30 to 8:00 AM when I heard... "Quick get up!" I looked up and saw my mother. "Mom? I thought you were dead?" "I'm not your mother! But you'll be seeing her soon if you don't get up!!!" Suddenly the background changed along with my mother. "What? What's going on?" "JUST RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" And with those words I knew we were in danger, I instantly got up and grabbed my stuff, then I threw on my armor while I chased after Sally. Continuously glancing back seeing only the sight of my dog, Jerry following me. Once I caught up to Sally she just stopped and started to walk back. confused and still scared I followed her back while yelling "QUICK THERE GOING TO GET US!!!" Sally, irritated with the yelling looked at me and said in a whisper: *No it's fine I just did that to get you up.* *What the hell?!? People are going to come out and see what's going on!!* I whispered back. *I know! That's the plan! while there looking around we will have our invisibility potions at work!* *Ohhhhh... but couldn't you have told me!* *I figured you'd react better if I didn't.* *What about the dogs? I asked* Sally walked over to them and made them stay still for food. *But what if they kill them?* *Let's hope they don't* Sally said. *Well I'm going to yell a little more for more Affect.* Said Sally. "NO CARSON!!!! Hang in there buddy! Yo- you'll be fine!.....
NOOOOOOO!!! You will pay for this! *Sally and Carson make clashing sound with swords* AHHHHGGG!!!! NOO LEAVE ME ALONE, NO AHHHHHH!!!!!" And then I set off the last firework we had to signify our "death", because it was day I knew they wouldn't be able to see the actual firework so they would think it was the cannon. *wow! Your good at this!" I said to Sally. *I was an actor befor I got into this!* Sally replied. "Now quick! Use the potions! and Carson you kill the people that go to to my right and I'll kill the ones that go to my left" "Ok" I replied. Just as soon as we put on the potions a group of 4 people came around one of the corners of a large rock. "Hey look dogs!" One yelled while walking close, but kept his distance. The dogs growled. "Maybe we can find a way to tame them!" "K... Guys this seems kind of fishy.. I mean like dogs?" "Oh shut-up!" "Ya just shut-up we heard the bang that's good enough for me!" "But why was there only one bang?" "I don't know the guy who's in control of the cannon noises got sidetracked and just used one hoping no one would notice! I don't care just listen to me, I am the leader!" "Know... You two look over there!" The tallest one yelled and pointed to the right of Where Sally was last. Sally and I will look Over there. And she pointed to the left of where Sally used to be. As soon as they started away from the dogs I made mine stand and set it after one of the two people that was on "my side". Then I ran towards the one. I quickly stabbed the person to make a quick kill(TNT 5 people left) By then my dog had attacked the other person. "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! MAD DOG!!!!"(TNT 4 people remaining) He yelled I turned to see the other 2 spin around. One suddenly gave a cry and fell Over dead(TNT 3 tributes left) then the other one suddenly showed a face full of pain and fell to the ground(TNT 2 people remaining) Sally and I, I thought to myself. We waited for the potions to wear off and then complemented each other. "Nice trick with the dog!" Said Sally. "Thanks, nice with the quick 2 kills" "Thanks!" Then there was a moment of silence and I knew that it was time for me to set her free from this trap. I pulled the cake out of my backpack that I had gotten from the beginning. "Celebration?" I asked. "Yes. definitely." She replied I walked over to a stone sticking out of the ground and dusted it off then put the cake on it. "I'll go free your dog so we can feed them to!" "Ok" Sally said eyeing the cake with hunger. But instead of setting her dog free I put my backpack down, made my dog sit and walked to the edge. Then I faced Sally and said to her while trying to hold back my tears. *sniff* "Thank you so much for watching over me" *sniff* Sally who was rubbing her hands while looking at the cake eager to eat it, now froze, "No.. Carson please... Don't do this...." She now turned and looked at me. "They killed my last family member... I have nothing... *sniff* you have a baby to take care of..." "No!..." She said please!.... I love you!..." "I know..." I replied. And I fell back "NOOOO!!!!!" I heard Sally scream over and over till I could not here her anymore. With the wind going past me I wondered what would happen to me when I died where would I go? Would it be hell or heaven? Or just nothing..... THUD! I hit the ground and felt my soul rising up into a great light....

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