Goodbye Gershwin

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Four days since our wedding. Do weddings have ages? I mean, that's what anniversaries are for right? I thought to myself as I was getting out of bed. It was seven in the morning... Thursday morning.... But that's what you have to do when you are in office, we need to be there for our people. But it's hard, late nights doing paperwork, early mornings to show the people we care and aren't lazy. "Come on Sally... We gotta go take down the beacon." "Can I call in a sick day? I feel really tired, and my stomach is upset." "Ugh, is this what husbands are supposed to do?" "Yep." "Great... Just this once, ok?" "*Snore, Snore*" "I'll take that as a yes." I grabbed a glass of milk on my way out the door, but that wasn't enough for me so I stopped by the market to get some bread which I ate on the way to the beacon by the park. Once I got there I tore down the beacon, and all the iron around it, I put the iron into a city storage compartment, it was my first time in the compartment. There where a few diamond blocks, gold blocks, and some other precious blocks, and then there was an area specifically for food, most of it was just bread and seeds, but the rest, which was still a large amount, was pumpkins, Halloween wasn't any time soon, and there wasn't a high demand for pumpkin pie, I'd have to ask why there where so many later. So I stored it in the back of my mind, not a wise choice because I would most likely forget about it. I went back home to tell Sally the beacon was dealt with, as soon as I got through the door she was standing right in the kitchen with a large smile on her face. "Guess what?" "What?" I asked beginning to think something was wrong. "Guess... Who's going to be a dad soon!" I stood there with my mouth open, I was so shocked, but at the same time I was extremely happy. "No way!!" I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug which ended up lifting her off the floor, I spun her around in my arms so happy for us. "What did the doctor say?" "The doctor said it was very healthy, I didn't ask what the gender was because I want it to be a surprise, but everything so far is going great!" "That's amazing, I can't wait, we can make a room for our baby in the temple and everything, it will be amazing." "Yes! I know, now, shall we go deal with Gershwin?" "After you, mom." We both laughed on our way to the temple, we brought half the police force because this was a very important event, there where 16. Once we got there we walked into the temple. Gershwin saw us and tried to act friendly, until he saw the police walk in behind us. "The new chief has died, we found evidence to prove that you cheated to get your position, you are under arrest and to be removed from your position immediately!" He didn't even try to get away, he just stood there, hands down, with a disappointed look on his face, he also had some sign of anger, and nervousness.... I new exactly what happened after that. But before I had a chance to say anything he began to rage. I quickly yelled. "DO NOT SHOOT! HOLD HIM DOWN AND SECURE HIM!!" In seconds he had broken away from the first officer that had been originally restraining him, but thankfully other police officers jumped onto Gershwin to keep him from getting anywhere. He was quickly handcuffed and brought back to the prison with half of the police officers that came. They had strict orders to watch him at all times, the other half I told to stay back. "I know what those symptoms are from, there is a beacon around this area or hidden in this temple, I need it found, and I need you all to let me know when you find it before you do anything to it." For Sally and my own protection, along with the rest of the citizens of village. We left the temple to go back to our homes, hoping that we wouldn't be terribly affected by the hidden beacons powers, after we had gotten back it was dark. We were both grumpy but where expecting it and able to handle it without making a scene. We both went to bed.


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