Time to be Sherlock

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It had been a whole day since the accident, Sally and I haven't talked since. If we thought that the hunger games prepared us for tragedy, we were wrong. We haven't talked but our moods said it all, depressed, upset, sad. We needed to find out more information. We could not just leave his death in vain. Chief had to be avenged. "Sally?..." "Yes Carson?..." "I think we should go out and figure out what is happening" "Fine." We went to the office, not knowing where else to go, Assistant was sitting in Chiefs chair... His old chair "Ahhhh, come in!" Sally and I walked in. "What are you doing in that chair? Isn't there an election for the next person that's going to be chief?" "No, it's given to the person that is second in command, which was me!" "Fine, that makes sense, but we really came here to ask if there is anyway we can see the documents recorded from the election?" "Nope sorry, it's classified." "But Chief was about to let us see it!" "Well I'm the new Chief, the old one is gone, new rules!, look, I know that you two where good friends with Chief, I'll be sure to make sure he has a good funeral, but we need to make things a little more efficient. To do that the rules can't be as lose" "I don't find that very fair, we are all friends, we all know each other *sigh*... When will his funeral be?" "In two days, I will be there to say a few words." "Well, thank you for this. We will definitely be there." "Your very welcome, I will see you two there." "Goodbye, Assistant" "Oh! It's not assistant anymore, it's Chief, I also get his title." "Ok then (all this does is make him more upset) goodbye, Chief" Sally and I went home, even more upset. "I don't know, something about him, it just doesn't make me feel right, that letter he was writing before Chiefs death, and the way he talks to us, I feel like he's lying." "That letter could be for something important, but I don't like him either, and then he thinks that he is entitled to his new position AND the name Chief. I think that we have to go and see the information that he won't show us" "But Sally! What if he's a good guy? What if he has nothing to do with Chiefs death? Then we will get caught and throw out of town!" "Maybe, or maybe we will save the town from someone who really doesn't deserve to be in power" "Ok, ok so should we go to the office? I can distract him while you go look through his office." "Thanks Carson! Oh what would I do without you? She leaned in and kissed my cheek, I turned red, I still wasn't used to the kisses. We walked to the office. Both feeling confident that we would find something to prove that the new Chief and Gershwin had cheated to get power.... "Carson? you had something you wanted to see me about something?" Oh crap. I thought to myself, as all confidence left me. I had not thought of a distraction and Sally was waiting right behind the couch, hiding so she could search the office as soon as I left. "Ummmm... Yes! There's a house that I've been repairing down by the park, it had uhhhhh... noises!coming from the basement, I thought you should come and check, someone could be hurt down there!" "Oh?! Ok let me just quickly lock the office and we can go." He finally finished locking everything with the door last on our way out, I hope Sally was going to be ok, we had just locked her in there! "Alright Carson which way?" Well if I get to the park I should be able to figure out where exactly." "Ok, sounds good...." I watched Carson and Chief leave, then slowly got up, I had to hurry, I had at most fifteen minutes to find what I was looking for. I rushed over to the window, seeing Chief was outside I could now afford to be a little louder. The first thing I checked was the filing cabinets, files after files after files... Until I found something, 2016 votes. I opened the folder, nothing, nervous I looked around, I saw a chest labeled recycling, I opened it, there where LOTS of letters I started reading through them, a lot of them where complaints about the work load, some other things, but then I found something. It was the letter that said said Gershwin was still in charge. I kept looking, I finally found the one that had our name, I had given it to the real Chief, the new Chief was obviously trying to hide something, I'm pretty sure that you weren't supposed to throw out important documents. I put them side by side on Chiefs desk to compare, there was no signature on the one for Gershwin! I knew it! Someone had cheated, I kept looking and also found the results from the election. I put these in my inventory along with the letters. "Now to dig some dirt up on "Chief", he doesn't deserve that title at all." I kept looking through his trash, nothing, I then went back to the filing cabinet, still nothing, he had a clean slate! Other than for the fact he was not telling anyone that Gershwin really wasn't supposed to be in power, Carson and I were. I looked around his office, again. He had some really nice art, button framed, I went up to look at it, maybe it would give me an idea. I touched the picture then felt the buttons, "Real oak wood... Wow" *click!* one of the buttons I had touched had moved like a real one would! The wall beside the picture began to move... "A secret room, hello?... "I went in.... "Maybe this way!?... No, gosh Chief! I have totally lost this house!" He was beginning to look annoyed, I don't know how much longer I could keep this lie going. Sally had to be done by now... Right? "I think I had better get ba-" "No wait! I have an idea! Let's ask that person! I can describe to her what the house looks like. Hey! Excuse me mam, have you seen a oak wood house anywhere near here?" "Carson, we live in an birch wood forest!" Said Chief. ".....that's why I would be able to describe it?.... All the other houses here look the same, birch, but the one I'm talking about was oak!" "I'm going back to my office." "Wait!" "NO!!! IM DONE, IM NOT WAITING FOR YOU TO FIND THIS HOUSE THAT MIGHT NOT EVEN EXIST!!! IM GOING BACK TO MY OFFICE AND THATS IT!!!" (People are now staring at their new Chiefs unseemly actions), Chief beginning to become embarrassed... "I have to go, sorry goodbye" he then quickly ran towards his office, no one could stop him now. I hope Sally's found what we need. I thought to myself. "A secret room, hu? What do we have in here...." She finds a small beacon built on what seems to be stacks and stacks of iron. "Holy.... She looks into it, it seems to be sending off something.... If I look on top of it it should tell me" she looked and it said Influence. "Influence? What is it influencing?... Why is it influencing?... Who is it influencing!" *sound of keys* "Oh no, Chiefs back!" The door opens and see's his secret room opened, he runs inside and see's Sally inside. "YOU!" "Yes me! What is this beacon influencing?!" "None of your business! GURADS! ANYONE!" He ran downstairs. Sally didn't waste a second, she used the time to hide the evidence in her clothing. Chief came back up with some guards. They took her away and put her into the local prison. Carson was also soon found captured and sent to prison with Sally.

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