It Matters How This Ends Part 113

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"Ayyyy, Vause! Piper! Mrs. and Mrs.! Mazel!! Where were you guys?! Did you uh, get it on?", she shouted from across the dining room. We rushed to her and hoped Carol and Bill didn't hear her. "Shhh!", I nudged her with my elbow. "What?", Nicky shook her head at me.

"Keep it down.", I adjusted my glasses.

"Ahhh, so you did. How was it, uh? Is it any different now that you're married?", she wanted to know.

"Yes.", I chuckled and looked at Piper; "it's way better". "Aw, look at you two. You know, I gotta say I kinda doubted you would last. But look at you now.", Nicky grabbed a glass of champagne;

"Once again, to you!" and downed it.

"She's drinking already? It's not even noon yet!", Piper whispered in my ear and laughed.

"Piper, Alex, glad you could join us.", Bill said him and Carol as he approached our table.

The waiter came right behind them and took our orders.

"So, may I ask where you two will be spending your honeymoon?", Carol asked, looked at Piper and then at me.

"We're going to Asia and then to Australia.", Piper told her.

"Ohh. That's nice, honey. It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into that. What is it that made you chose those two destinations?", she was curious.

"Mandarinfish. We're going for the most beautiful fish in the ocean. It's kind of a symbol of the beginning of our story. It means a lot to us.", I explained, even though I knew she probably wouldn't understand it.

"Ohhh, is that why you have a fish tattoo on your neck?", Nicky asked and downed another drink.

"Kind of. It's a long story.", Piper replied and searched for my hand to hold.

The waiter brought us the food;

"Enjoy your meal. If you need anything, I will be avaliable at all times.", he politely said, smiled and left.

By the time we had all finished eating, it had been already 3PM. Piper and I's flight was scheduled for 6PM and we still needed to finish packing. We said our goodbyes, promised to send postcards and left. I had never felt souch happiness. It was finally going to be just me and her. The one thing I always wanted but somehow never got.

"I think that's everything.", Piper came out of the bedroom with her passport in her hands.

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