It Matters How This Ends Part 116

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We hopped in a taxi and gave the driver the address of the place we have chosen to stay at. It was a beautiful Villa on the beach as we wanted to stay as close to the ocean as possible. We didn't want to be in a crowded hotel or anywhere near people. We wanted our honeymoon to be all about us and nobody else. It was a 20 minute drive and both of us were pretty tired. When we arrived, I walked to the reception to get the key, while Piper sat on the beach with her feet burried in the sand. It was still so surreal. We went from lovers to prison married, to real life married. I loved every single second of it and I had to pinch myself once in a while just to make sure it was real.

"Babe.", I walked up to her with the key in my hand.

"It's so beautiful, Al.", she said and looked at the ocean.

"It is.", I agreed and sat down on the sand next to her.

"I have an idea.", she smiled at me;

"let's go skinny dipping."

I looked at her and adjusted my glasses;

"Well, it is getting dark and we are alone. Fuck it.", I got up and started undressing.

"Really?!", she exclaimed happily and followed my lead. We ran into the ocean, wearing nothing but our wedding rings. The water was warm and clear.

We were splashing each other, laughing and acting like teenagers. I picked her up and she screamed;

"Al! Put me down! What are you doing?!", in laughter.

We ended up laying on the beach, her head on my chest, her hand on my stomach and our legs tangled together.

She looked up at me and gazed into my eyes;

"What?", I chuckled.

"I love you.", she closed her eyes and gently kissed me.

"I love you too, Pipes.", I touched her hand and something felt off. I looked at it and sat up;


"What?", Piper let go of me and sat up, too.

"Your ring! It's gone!", I exclaimed.

"What?!", she looked at her hand;

"Shit. It must have fallen off in the ocean. Shit!", she panicked.

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