It Matters How This Ends Part 42

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"Okay, okay. As a matter of fact, that's a great idea. I wish I could see Sylvie's face when she reads it."

"Oooh, who's the jealous one now, babe?", I laughed.

"Shut up", she said and sat on my lap.

"Okay, so what should it say?", I asked and kissed her neck.

"Hmmm...How about: Once prison married, now soon to be real-life married.", Piper suggested.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No. Yes. I don't know, you're the crafty one."

"But you're the smart one! Where is that brain of yours when we need it?"

"Okaaay. How about: Through love, through pain, through beauty fish, forever - Soon to be Mrs. Alex & Piper Vause-Chapman."

"Babe. I love it.", I kissed her minty fresh lips.

We contacted the newspaper and finalised our ad. It was going to be published in two days.

"And that morning, we're both gonna be like my nana, reading the newspaper, together.", Piper smiled and took a sip of my coffee. I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed her.

"What do you want to do today, beautiful?", I asked.

"Hmmm...let's go to the movies. They're replaying Ocean's 8."

"Babe, really? You have an ususual attraction towards crime."

"Look who's talking! Miss professional drug smugler slash dealer!"

"Let's just agree we've both got the hots for crime.", I winked.

"I got the hots for you.", she said, stood up and sat back on my lap, only this time, with her face facing mine. She put her hands on my face and slowly started kissing my lips, one at the time.

"Pipes, you know where this is headed, right?"

"Shut up and kiss me.", she said inbetween breaths.
I lifted her up on the dining table and threw everything off it with my free hand. She sat on the edge of it, wrapping her legs around me while I kissed her neck.

"Hold on, I have to get something from the fridge.", she said and jumped off the table.

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