It Matters How This Ends Part 99

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I knew I had to be rested for the big day and I had to do something in order to fall asleep. I scrolled through my camera roll and looked at our pictures. I started at Piper and felt at peace. My eyes started to close, but I didn't want to stop looking at her. I fell asleep with my phone in my hands and happiness in my heart.

The sound of the alarm woke me up. It was 6:50 in the morning. I looked out the window to see that the sun hasn't risen yet. I got out of bed, walked to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. I sat on the balcony and waited for the sun rise. It was so beautiful. Almost as much as her.

I drank my coffee, hopped in the shower, brushed my teeth and went to the bedroom. I opened the closet and pulled out my wedding pantsuit. I placed it on the bed so it wouldn't get wrinkled and put on dark blue jeans and a t-shirt. I double checked if I had everything I needed and called a taxi.

The drive wasn't long, but it felt like forever. I was nervous but excited. The taxi stopped and I looked out the window. I have arrived.

I stepped out and walked into the hotel in which Piper and I were going to get dressed, let the hairdressers do our hair and the make up artists do our make up. I walked up to the reception;

"Hey. I'm here for the Vause-Chapman wedding. I'm one of the brides."

"Yes, of course. Welcome, Miss Vause. The team is all ready and waiting for you on the top floor. Room 23."

I thanked her and walked down the hallway and into the elevator. I got to the room and opened the door. There was a whole lot of professionals in it; the hair and make up team was laying out the brushes and eye shadows and the hairdressers were preparing their hairsprays. It looked pretty hectic and it made me even more nervous. Our wedding planner rushed to the door, grabbed my hand and led me to the make up chair. She took the suit out of my hands, gave it to the stylist and told me to sit still.

Before I knew it, I had three pairs of hands all over my face. One was washing it, the other one was putting some sort of face cream on it and the third one was beginning to cover it with powder.

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