It Matters How This Ends Part 15

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The sun was just beginning to go down and the sky was full of light colors. Pink, blue, yellow. We were walking down the street holding hands and watching our surroundings.
Tall trees, short palms, stray cats and chirping birds. We got to the pier and I stopped. She didn't know this was our destination. Well, a part of it, anyway.
I pretended like I didn't rent the boat and made it seem like it was a random idea.

"Look Pipes, a boat! Wanna go for a ride?"

"Yes!", she said excitedly. I walked over to the man whom I have made arrangements with and he started the boat. I held Piper's hand to help her get on. We sat down on boat seats and the man started to drive. The water was light blue and we could see through it. Piper saw a fish that looked like her neck tattoo. She pointed at it and said:

"Look! A beauty fish!"

I smiled and pulled her in for a hug.

"You're my beauty fish."
Piper ran her fingers through my hair and stroked my cheek. She leaned on me and I kissed her ever so perfect lips.
We spent the next 20 minutes in each others arms.

"We're here.", the captain said. I never quite caught his name.

Before us was a beautiful, small island covered in sand. The water was pure, the sun was beginning to be replaced by the moon and stars and you could hear nothing but subtle, warm wind. I stood up and took Piper's hand;

"Come with me".

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