It Matters How This Ends Part 41

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We slept until 11 in the morning. It was a long night for us...a long romantic night.

"Good morning, my love.", I said and kissed her lips.

"Mmm, what time is it?", Piper asked.

"It's almost lunch time, babe.", I replied and got out of bed. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. When I came back to the bedroom, Piper was still in bed.
She look at me with sleepy eyes and said;

"Whaat?? You took a shower without me?! Al!"

"Wasn't basically the whole night enough for you?", I chucked.

"I can never get enough with you", she replied and smiled.

"I would love to go again but I would also like to eat something else besides you, even though you taste amazing.", I said. Piper got out of bed and wrapped her arms around me. Her lips came close to mine...

"Pipes, go brush your teeth."

"What? I thought I tasted amazing."

"You do, but not so much with that morning breath", I laughed. As she went into the bathroom, I made us some coffee and opened the newspaper. I haven't done that in forever, since now all that we use is technology. But I like the smell of new paper. Piper came out of the shower and mocked me for reading it;

"Al! That's so cute, you're like my nana. Always reading her newspaper, with her glasses on the tip of her nose."

"Oh my God, Pipes!"

"Relax, Al, I was joking. Kind of."

"No, not that. I just got an idea. How about we put our wedding announcement in the paper? That way, your what's-her-name will know once and for all that you're TAKEN.", my eyebrows raised as I was waiting for her responce.

"Aw, are you jealous?", she asked with a smile on her face.

"No, I'm not jealous, I just want the whole world to know you're mine."

"Well, techincally, only the people who read it will know. But that's cute."

"God, can you stop being souch a smart ass all the time and just go with it?!"

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