It Matters How This Ends Part 40

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"What would you like to serve for drinks?", Miss Riley Rogers asked.

"Well, definitely not margaritas.",I looked at Piper and almost burst out laughing just thinking about her little incident at the seaside. Piper tried to softly kick me in the leg with her leg, but acidentally hit Riley.

"I'm so sorry! That was meant for her.", she said and once again looked me with a dirty look.

"Jeez, Pipes, save some of the dirty looks for when we're in bed.", I said jokingly and continued,
"Okay, how about we get a bottle of margarita for us-I'll drink most of it but I will let you have one glass, Pipes. And wine for the guests?"

"Suits with me.", Riley said.

The meeting was finished and we officially planned our wedding.

My barefoot self and my barefoot princess have arrived home and fell straight into the bed. All this planning and thinking has made us exhausted.

"How about those hand cuffs, then?", I asked.

"Al, I'm soooo tired. Can we reschedule?"

My eyebrows lifted;
"We haven't had sex in almost a week. We're like one of those super old people who are tired of each other."

"Actually, do you know that the average adult has sex about once a week? And we normally do it like 3 times in a week. Or four even. We're basically super sex freaks."

"Well aren't you a know-it-all. But it's good to know we're in the lead.", I winked and laid down. Piper laid down behind me and put her hands on my hip. I closed my eyes and smiled;

"That feels nice. Goodnight, my love."

A few moments later, I felt her hand moving up my body and touching my boob. Her other hand slipped from my hip to my thongs.

"Pipes? What are you doing? I thought you didn't want to--"

"Pshh.", she interrupted me, "I changed my mind."

I turned around, facing her and went on top of her. I kissed her neck, slowly and softly. She exhaled deeply and ran her fingers through my hair.
I grabbed her hands, pinned them down on the bed and kissed her left breast..then her right..

"Ahhh", she moaned..I let go of her hands and kissed her stomach..I kissed her outter thigh and her inner thigh..She grabbed the sheets and tilt her head in pleasure..I bit her thongs with my teeth and pulled them off..

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