It Matters How This Ends Part 79

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"Where are you going to hide, Alex?", he laughed and walked up to me.

My breathing got heavy and I kneeled down in the bathtub, holding onto the edge of it.

He came closer and pulled me out of it.
He pushed me against the sink and my head hit the mirror above it. He grabbed my face with one hand and tried to feed me the pills with the other one.

I held my face as far away from him as I could and streched out my leg and kicked him in the groint. He bent over and I ran towards the door, trying to unlock it.

My hands were shaking and I couldn't think straight. I got a grip of it and was about to unlock it, when he pulled me by my hair and threatened me;
"That was a mistake. This could have gone very smoothly, but you've just made it hard for you."

He pushed me down on the ground and got on top of me.
I was trying to fight him off me, but I couldn't do it. He was too strong.
He sat on my hips, preventing me from moving my legs and held both of my hands with one hand.
He took another three pills from his jacket pocket and put them near my mouth.
I moved my face around, so he couldn't shove them in, when he grabbed my nose and held it closed.
I took a few little breaths through my mouth, so I wouldn't open it too widely, but it wasn't enough. I needed to breathe.
I closed my eyes and opened my mouth to get some air in my lunges, when he shoved the pills in it.

"Now swallow!", he hissed at me, still holding me down.

I spat them out and gasped for air.

He slapped me across the face and took out the whole bag of drugs.
He held my mouth open and let out as many pills as he could, right into my mouth.

I tried to fight it, but it was no use. He was stronger than me. He was holding my nose closed with his one hand and using the other to hold my mouth closed, preveting me to breathe and forcing me to swallow.

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