It Matters How This Ends Part 8

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I got worried.
What if something happened to her?
Oh my God, I take back everything I said. I do want to see her. Please just open the door, pleease. But what if-no! Not again with the what if-s. I had to make my move or else, I was gonna go crazy.

I rang somebody else's doorbell. The tag on the doorbell read "Thompson".

"Hello?", an older lady said through the speaker.

"Yes hello, Mrs. Thompson? I'm the new...the new condo manager. I need to speak with you about the new condo-related duties.",
I crossed my fingers and hoped she'd buy my act.
The door opened. Yes! Thank you!

I ran up the stairs, pass the lady who I assumed was Mrs. Thompson. She looked confused, but I didn't care. I had to get to her.
Two flights of stairs later, I was at Piper's door. And out of breath. I haven't ran this fast in forever.

"God I wish I had joined Pipes all those times she ran on the track. I would be in souch good shape.", I said to myself.

Okay, deep breaths....


No answer.

"Pipes? It's me..Please open the door."


"Look, I know I hurt you and I'm sorry. I should have treated you better. I should have never let you go. I guess you really do only love her when you let her go..I'm sorry! You have to understand, I always wanted what's best for you, I really did. I just wanna see your face. I promise I'll go after that. Just let me in. Or just open the door.
Or just...say something..anything...Pipes?"

What the fuck. I started to panic.
She's not okay.
She might not even, no, not gonna think.
At all.

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