It Matters How This Ends Part 31

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"Okay, have you ever cleaned your appartment?", I asked, looking around the kitchen only to see empty boxes of take out, bottles all kind, dirty dishes and open cabinets.
I walked to the bathroom and saw make-up all over the sink, brushes on the floor, a wine stain on the carpet.

"Um, Pipes, what the hell happened in here?"

"What?! I'm sorry I love you so much that I didn't really give a shit about cleaning at that time. Jeez."

"Okay babe, whatever you say. You're cute though, so it's okay. Let's get cleaning and have ourselves a nice and clean appartment. We can't plan a wedding in this mess. I'll start with the bathroom and you can start with the kitchen." Piper agreed and we got to work.

3 hours later and a bag full of garbage, I looked around the appartment and was pleased with what I had seen. Everything was in order and the vanilla scented candles were just the cherry on top. I walked up to Piper and pulled her near me by her waist. She put her arms around my neck and looked me in my eyes.

"It's perfect.", she said.

"You're perfect.", I replied.

"Shut up, you're so corny."

"Okay, you're not perfect. You're mamazing.", I corrected myself.

Piper laughed and I could no longer just look at her. I touched her face and my finger traced her lips. They were always so soft and welcoming. I wanted to kiss them, but I knew we would most likely end up in bed and I wanted to make some calls regarding our wedding first.

I told Piper to start looking up wedding planners and I started making a list of all the people we would invite.

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