It Matters How This Ends Part 88

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"Was she a squirter?", I couldn't help but ask. Piper and I looked at each other and tried not to burst out laughing.

"Ah, don't be jealous, Vause. You were gone for a long fucking time."

"We were literally gone for 15 minutes. 20, tops.", I chuckled.

"Exactly. How do you uh, expect me to go that long without some action, uh?", she smiled and drank her drink.

"Okay, back to business.", I said and adjusted my glasses.

"What business?", Nicky asked.

"Um, the whole dead guy situation in our bathroom?", I said and raised my eyebrows;

"I think we should go back, before anyone reports him missing and they start snooping around."

"Yeah, uh, okay. We don't have a fucking plan, we're just gonna go stare at the body? That sounds uh, like the worst fucking idea ever.", Nicky said.

"It's better than Piper's idea to call the police.", I defended myself.

"Fuck!", Nicky chuckled, "Chapman! Are you insane?"

"Whaat?", Piper laughed.

"She probably just misses the Litchfield library.", Nicky winked at me.

"Yeah, and the time machine.", I laughed.

Piper looked at the ground and awkwardly smiled.

I reached into my wallet, put $30 on the table and reached for Piper's hand;

"Let's go."

We got to the car and I asked Nicky to drive, because she was the one who was sober.

"No, no, no, no.", she looked at me with horror in her eyes and laughed, "I'm not driving this thing."

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"I'm not having the taxi fiasco happen all over again."

I looked at Piper and she looked at me. We were both confused and didn't have a clue what she was talking about, but we both got the point. She wasn't driving.

"Let's just take a taxi.", I suggested.

Piper didn't agree;

"No way. I'm not leaving the car here, Cal's gonna be pissed if anything happens to it."

"You do know chances of something happening to the car are way higher if we do drive it in this situation, rather than just leaving it here, right?", I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Vause is right. I say fuck the car.", Nicky supported my idea, but Piper didn't budge.

"Just give me the fucking keys. I'll drive.", she grabbed the keys from my hand and opened the car.

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