It Matters How This Ends Part 95

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I put down my glass and faced Piper. I touched a lock of hair that was falling over her nose and tucked it behind her ear. I gently touched her hand and looked her in the eyes;

"Piper..This has been my third time of almost dying. I realize I've made some poor choices in my life that lead me into these kind of situations. But I'm glad I did, because they also lead me to you. Earlier today...when I was fighting for my life and losing the battle..All I saw was you. Your smile..your laugh..your eyes..your face..And I wouldn't want anything else to be the first and last thing I see. That being said, I think we should move up the wedding. I don't want to miss out on being your wife anymore."

She smiled at me and touched my cheek;

"Oh, Al.", she held my face and brought me in for a long kiss.

"When Nicky and I stormed in to the bathroom and saw you struggling for your life...I wanted to die.", she said with a shaky voice. A tear rolled down her cheek and I wiped it off with my kiss.

"Is that a yes?", I looked into her blue eyes that had so much fear in them.

"Yes. Yes!", she got a big smile on her face and burried her face in my shoulder.

I grabbed her face and kissed her again, passionately.

"Hey, hey! Save some for the honeymoon, won't ya?!", Nicky chuckled.

"Nicky.", I looked at her with a smile on my face; "would you do us the honor of being our best woman at the wedding?"

"Aw, Vause!", she exclaimed; "I would be honored to. But please, hire a professional to marry you this time, huh?", she laughed.

I poured us another glass of wine and raised it;

"To us almost killing Kubra and getting away with it."

"To Mrs. and Mrs. Vause-Chapman.", Nicky raised her glass and winked.

We clinked them together and took a sip.

"Not that it hasn't been lovely spending time with you both, but I'm gonna head out.", Nicky said and stood up.

Piper hugged her and I walked her to the door.

"See you at the wedding?", Nicky asked as she was putting on her shoes.

"Yes.", I smiled and opened the door for her.

"Alright. Try to not kill anyone until then, uh?", Nicky chuckled and left.

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