It Matters How This Ends Part 62

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I lifted her hands above her head and started tickling her under her armpit;

"I am going to tickle you until you're sorry!", I laughed and kept tickling her.

"Stop!", she laughed.

"Are you sorry yet?", I stopped for a second and gave her a chance.

"Not really.", she winked. I moved down to her legs, held them together and started tickling her weak spot - her feet.

"Stop stop stop!!", she shouted; "Okay! I'm sorry!"

"What? I can't hear you.", I laughed and kept tickling her.

"I'M SO SORRY!!! I'M SO SORRY, AL!", she screamed on top of her lunges, while laughing and gasping for air.
I stopped and pulled her up by her arms.

"Okay. Never joke about hand jobs ever again. Got it?"

"How about blow jobs?", she pushed my buttons.

"Okay, you wanted this.", I raised my eyebrow and pinned her down to the table again.

"No, no, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no any kind of jobs jokes again!", she shouted and looked at me with a fake, innocent look.

"That's better.", I kissed her lips.

She hopped off the table, grabbed her purse and shouted;
"Okay, I'll be back in a few hours. Love youuuuu!"

"Don't max out!", I shouted after her, knowing she probably would max out, anyway. Ah, women and their shopping. I poured myself some more coffee and opened the book I was reading, when the phone rang.
I picked it up without moving my eyes from the book and said,

"Did you max out already?"

"Yes, I was in Max and then I was out."

"Huh??? Pipes? Who is this?"

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