It Matters How This Ends Part 27

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We walked out the door onto the streets, hand in hand.

"Where are you taking me?", Piper asked.

"You're so bad at being patient."

"Uhm, excuse me? I waited for you, didn't I?"

"Yeah, and almost killed yourself, you silly goose."

"Take it as a compliment. I couldn't imagine my life without you."

"Neither can I."

We stopped for a moment to kiss and I wished it would last for eternity. We walked on the sidewalk passing shops, restaurants and grocery stores.

"Ice cream!",
Piper shouted like a little kid.

"Okay babe, let's get you some ice-cream. But only if you promise to be good.", I said jokingly.

"One chocolate and one vanilla, please", Piper said to the salesman. I chuckled.

"What?", Piper asked.

"Really?? You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

I took a deep breath, hoping I could make it through the sentence without laughing;

"Chocolate and vanilla swiiiirl, swiiiiirl."

Piper looked at me with a serious face;

"Please don't remind me of that. She was scary."

"Yeah, but she was in love with you, you little dandelion. Or more like obsessed." I couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing.
Piper gave me the ice cream cone;

"Please hold this."

I took the cone and held it in front of my face. She grabbed my hand, the one I was holding the cone with and pushed the ice cream on my face. She started laughing;

"What? Since you're souch a big joker, I thought you'd laugh at this, too."

I could barely see through my vanilla covered glasses and my nose was freezing cold.

"Aw, come here, you. Let me help you get that off.", Piper said and pulled me close.
She kissed my nose, she kissed my cheek she kissed my mouth.

"Mmm, this ice cream is good! It tastes very...Alex-y", she smiled.

I couldn't help but find it cute, so I smiled, too;

"Okay, okay, let's keep moving now, my dearest.", I said and took her by the hand.

A good 10 minutes have passed, my nose and lips felt warm again and Piper's ice cream was all gone.

"Here.", I said, "Let's go inside."

Before us was a beautiful little jewlery shop.

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