It Matters How This Ends Part 66

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"That's what you call chocolate covered blueberries with pot in them.", Piper said with souch pride in her tone.

My eyebrows raised even more;
"Since when are you the expert for drugs? And where was this version of Piper when we were actually dealing drugs? You know, she would have come in really handy."

Piper jokingly nudged me;
"My drugs skills have nothing on yours." and laughed.

"Who else do you think is out by now?", I looked at her.

"I have no idea. You know how things got messy after the riot. A lot of people got years added to their sentence. Maybe Nicky knows."

"Yeah. Remember to ask her before you start popping boobs."

"It's bloobs! And that reminds me, I really have to call Cal."

She got up and left the bathroom.
I got up off the floor and started blow drying my hair. I closed my eyes and thought about all the people from Litchfield.
I thought about Red, I thought about Lorna. I thought about Daya and how one stupid gun changed her whole life.
I thought about all of the CO's and how unfair the system is.

I thought about all the drugs that were and most definitely still are coming into the prison.

"Al", Piper came into the bathroom and made me snap out of it.
I looked at her and turned off the hair dryer.

"Yes babe?"

"Cal and Neri are good for tomorrow's fitting. They're probably coming with us to our place over after the thing. We should go to the grocery store and get some of that good champagne."

"You mean I have to go to the fitting, too?"

"Alex, we have talked about this. You should see what they will be wearing. It's your wedding too, remember?"

I rolled my eyes;
"Ugh, fine. We should probably get a lot of that champagne. I'll need it."

"You're the best.", Piper kissed my cheek.

We strolled through the store and got to the liquor department.
"Oh, look at this one! It's so cute!", Piper shouted and pointed at a pink champagne bottle.

"Pipes, we don't need cute. We need strong."

"Don't be souch a buzzkill, Al. I'm getting the cute one."

My eyes rolled again and for a minute, I was afraid they'd get stuck like that from rolling so much.

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