It Matters How This Ends Part 67

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I walked towards the next shelf and couldn't help but notice the big sign that read "buy one, get one free".
It was my favorite, Burbon whiskey.

I reached over and grabbed two bottles. I paused for a second and remembered I'd have to put up with Cal and Neri for the whole night, so I quickly reached for one more bottle.
Piper walked to me and put the pink champagne in the shopping cart.

"Do we really need that much whiskey?", she looked at me.

"Yes, we do. I mean, I do. I won't be able to listen to baby talk all night long, sober."

"Actually, on second thought.. I might have to have some of your whiskey, too. Forgot about the baby talk.", she looked at me and it seemed as if she was almost regretting inviting them over.
I chuckled and reached for another one;

"Here. Now we got four. You think that will do?", I chuckled.
We left the store, hand in hand, happy with our purchase.

"I'm gonna get changed into my PJ's. Find something good to watch on the tv.", she said as she dropped her bag on the floor and left towards the bedroom.
I took off my jacket and walked to the couch. I layed down and turned the TV on.

"Boring. Lame. Seen it. No.",
I mumbled to myself while changing the channels.

*Ding dong*

"Someone's at the door!", I shouted.
Piper walked to the door in her pink and white PJ's.

"Where did you get this? At the kid's section?", I chuckled.

"Whaaaat? Aren't they cute?", Piper said and looked down at her PJ.

"Yeah, if you're 5.", I said and turned back around towards the TV.

The lock turned and the door opened.

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