It Matters How This Ends 58

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He took the belt and tied my arms together behind my back.

"Let's see if you still think my dick is small.", he said and started to unbutton his pants.

I looked away, closed my eyes and felt like I was going to puke.

"Look at me!", he shouted and grabbed my face towards him.

"Help!", I screamed.
He slapped me around the face and told me to shut up.
I was leaning away from him as far as I could and hoped for a miracle.

"Davis!", the door to the interrogation room door slam opened.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Davis' face turned red in embarassement.

"Sir, I was just trying to get a confession out of her."

"By tying her up? Davis, you're already on probation. Are you trying to get fired again?"

"No, sir."

"Then I suggest you untie her and take her back to her cell. Besides, we don't need a confession anymore. Mr. Bloom decided not to press charges. We're putting her for release on bail."

He looked at me;
"Miss Vause, you will be held in your cell until somebody comes and gets you. Your bail is $4.000."

"How can anybody bail me out if you won't let me call anybody?", I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"You haven't let her use the phone yet!?", the officer looked at Davis.

"No, Sir. You told me to take her to her cell."

"Jesus. Alright, take her to the phones and make sure she calls someone. I ain't spending another minute on this case. Superbowl is tonight and I'm not missing it because you're all incapable of doing your job."

He left the room.

"Let's go, Vause.", Davis took the belt off of my hands and lifted me up from the chair;

"You better not fuck this up. Chief is gonna be pissed if he misses his night."

"Like I want to be in here longer than I have to.", I rolled my eyes at him.

He pushed me infront of him and walked me over to the phones;

"You have one phone call. Make it count."

Here we go.
I dialed in Piper's phone number and crossed my fingers she would pick up.

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