It Matters How This Ends Part 55

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"Sir, sir!", Piper shouted at him;
"Please don't do this!"

"Miss, I am going to have to ask you to step aside.", he said and opened the car door for me.

"I'm sorry, Piper.", I said and got in the car. The car engine started and I stared out the window as we started to drive off. Everything was moving in slow motion.
Larry was giving his statement to another police officer.
The bar door opened and Polly came running out.
Piper dropped her purse on the floor and started crying.
The very much familiar red and blue siren lights were flickering in the dark.
I closed my eyes and tried to forget about the pain I had felt from the tightness of the handcuffs on my wrists.

The officer opened the car door and told me to get out. We walked to the police station where they told me to take a seat.

I sat down and waited. Minutes felt like hours and I couldn't believe I was here again.

"Miss Vause, you're going to be questioned and held in custody in a cell until we gather enough information to know what furter actions to take.", he grabbed my arm and lifted me off the chair.

"Wait", I said;
"What about my entitelment of making one phone call?"

"After questioning. Let's go.", he said and pulled my arm.

"That hurts! Can you cool it with the agression?!".

He stopped, looked at me;
"I suggest you keep your mouth shut or I'll give you something to whine about. Now keep walking." and pushed me infront of him.

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