It Matters How This Ends Part 6

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"Okay Alex, enough with the bullshit!"


"Yeah, it's your fault she's messed up and you're going to fix it!"

"I know, but I didn't mean for any of this to happen, and she obviously doesn't want help. And since you can't ask me nicely and have to yell at me instead, I'm not doing it."

"I can't ask nicely!? Alex I've been asking nicely for the entire ride! Okay, fine. Then tell me, where are you going to stay? Do you have a villa I don't know about? Do you have a car? Do you have a job to pay for all that stuff? Huh???" he said sarcastically.

"Fine!! You just made an ex con do what you want because she doesn't have a roof over her head. Because her only roof was the prison's roof. Congratulations."

I crossed my arms and looked out the window. The view was amazing. Well, not really amazing. But to me, it was. It had been forever since I saw trees, flowers, people even...without a fence. Just pure freedom.
The view was amazing, but I couldn't enjoy it. All I could think about was her.

Even though it took some convincing, I was actually relieved he asked me to do this. At least I'd have some closure when I saw her, either good or bad. At this point, it didn't matter anymore what the outcome would be, as long as she's okay.
The minutes seemed like hours and even though we were driving pretty fast, I couldn't help but feel like we were going slower than a snail. Or a turtle. Whichever goes slower.

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