It Matters How This Ends Part 92

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I stood up, grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him towards the wall. I grabbed his shoulders and put him in a sitting position. He was heavy and could barely move him, but I did.
I sat down next to him and thought about what my next move was going to be. I looked at his pale face and I couldn't help but feel frightened. He used to scare me to my bones, and he still could. Even though he was dead. Fear and trembling came over me and made all my bones shudder.

After 15 minutes of thinking, I came to a conclusion.

We definitely can't go to the cops and we can't involve anybody else, so it's on us..on me, to get rid of his body.

I got up from the floor and tore down the shower curtain. I kneeled down beside him and covered him with it. I grabbed his legs and tucked in the curtain. I grabbed his left arm and tucked it in. I grabbed his right arm and wanted to tuck it in, when all of the sudden, I felt somebody's grip on my shoulder.

"Ah!", I screamed and jumped away from him.

I started at the body, but it wasn't moving.

"I'm going crazy.", I said out loud and took a sip of water.

I kneeled back down to him and reached under the curtain, to check his pockets for anything that might lead back to me. Just in case somebody finds his body.
I moved my hand around, but I couldn't feel anything.
As I was putting my hand back out, I felt the grip on my hand again, and this time, I knew it wasn't just my imagination.

I felt a cold, tight grip.

I screamed and tried to get away, but I couldn't. The grip was too tight.

"What the fuck?!", I shouted and lifted the curtain off his face with my other hand.

His eyes opened.

I pulled my hand as hard as I could and he let go of me. I gasped for air and backed away to the door.

Nicky and Piper came running to the bathroom.

"What?! What happened?!", they both shouted as they stormed in.

I couldn't speak. I pointed at Kubra with my shaky hands.

"Ah, fuck!", Nicky said and grabbed the ashtray;

"You better back off!:, she yelled at him.

Piper came next to me and started with her mouth open wide. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it really tight.

It Matters How This EndsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora