It Matters How This Ends Part 57

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I stood up and started banging on the bars of the cell;
"I demand to make a fucking phone call! It's my right! You better let me make one!"

"Hey!", Davis shouted as he was walking towards me. He pulled out his metal baton and banged it against the cell bars;

"Shut the fuck up!"

I backed away so he wouldn't reach me and adjusted my glasses;

"You're all pieces of shit. Even in custody. Fuck. You must have a really small dick if you have to establish your power by bullying powerless women."

"What did you say to me?!", he said and banged his baton against the bars again.

"You heard me. Or are you deaf, too?", I raised my eyebrow.

He took out his keys, opened my cell and pulled me out.

"It's about time someone teaches you how to behave.", he said, pushed me infront of him and made me keep walking.

"Where are you taking me? This is illegal!", I shouted.

"Yeah well, what got you in here was illegal too. So shut the fuck up and keep walking".
He opened the door of the interoggation room, pushed me inside and closed the door behind us.

"Now sit the fuck down. If my colleagues are so fucking incapable and can't get one simple confession out of you, I will."

"I'm not sitting down and I'm not telling you shit." I said and started at him.
He came to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. He pressed his fingers down between my shoulder bones and the pain was excruciating. I had no choice but to sit down.
He leaned his face to mine.

"So, tell me, did it feel good?"

"Did what feel good?", I asked playing dumb and avoiding eye contact.

"You know what. Hitting the poor guy in the face and kicking him in the nuts.", he whispered in my ear.

I decided not to be his bitch and keep playing it cool;

"Where's your proof?", I raised my eyebrow at him.

He took off his belt and whipped it against the table;

"Listen, you bitch. You better start talking or else.."

"Or else what?", I hissed back.

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