It Matters How This Ends Part 97

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I leaned back towards her and kissed her lips passionately. First the top one, then the lower one and finally, both of them.

It was the perfect start of a perfect day. After breakfast, I hopped in the shower, got dressed and started calling everyone on our guest list to let them know about the change of plans. I called our wedding planner after to let her know, too. She was going to take care of everything else.

"It's done.", I said, closed the laptop and put down my phone.

"What is?", Piper walked to me and sat on my lap.

"Everything. It's all set. Guests have been informed, the florists, the caterers, the marriage officiant; it's all good to go. Now we just have to get married.", I smiled and kissed her arm.

"Exactly how much did you bring it forward?", Piper looked at me and was very surprised.

"Hm, let me see..", I pretended to think really hard and left her in suspence.

"Tell me!", she jokigly shouted and pinched my thigh.

I bit my lip, adjusted my glasses and took her hand;

"It's tomorrow."

"What?!?!?", she shouted and grabbed my face; "really?!"

"Yes, you idiot.", I chuckled; "unless you changed your mind?"

"Don't be stupid. I'm so excited! Alex!", she squealed.

"I am, too.", I smiled and kissed her;

"but you know what this means, right?"

"What?", she asked in confusion.

"It means that we will have to sleep in different places tonight. We can't see each other before the ceremony. It's bad luck and I think we've had enough of that.", I tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear.

It Matters How This EndsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant