It Matters How This Ends Part 14

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I opened my eyes and looked to my right.
Piper's head was still on my chest and her arms were wrapped around my neck. She was sleeping soundly. I looked at the clock only to see it was already 7 PM.
Shit, we gotta go soon!

I whispered to her ear and stroked her hair.

"Babe, wake up".

"Hmmm", she mumbled, "Where are we going?"

I stood up and gave her the dress I bought for her.

"Here. I want you to wear this."

Piper looked at the dress and smiled.

"It's beautiful", she said.

"But not as beautiful as you", I replied.

As she was getting dressed, I was, too.
I put on a dark blue, almost black body suit I chose for myself at the shop and combed my hair. I wiped my glasses and put on black sandals.
It was time to go.
I left the bathroom and walked in to see her standing in the bedroom, wearing the dress and I couldn't help but smile. That girl was mine. She was mine and I was hers. She saw me staring at her and asked;

"What? Do I have something in my teeth?"

"You're so cute. It is so good to see you in that dress, it's like it was made just for you."

"Are you trying to tell me I didn't rock khaki and orange?", she said sassily.

"Not as much as I did, but you were pretty close.", I winked at her.

Piper sat down on the bed.
"I'm sorry."

"About what?", I was confused.

"About everything. I wasn't always acting like I should have. I wasn't always there for you. And I didn't always know what to do when it came to you."

"Pipes, it's not like I haven't fucked up. We both did some questionable things and we both could be better people. But that's in the past now and the important thing is, we always found a way back to each other."

I kissed her, grabbed her hand and we left.

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