It Matters How This Ends Part 69

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"That's a nice appartment you got here, you must have a pretty solid job. Who uh, faked your diploma?"

I looked over to her and chuckled;
"It's actually all Piper."

"Ooh, of course. The privileged blondie strikes again."

"It's good to have you back, Nicky.", Piper sighed and chugged her drink.

"How about you?", I took a sip of my drink.

"Me? Uhhh, yeah I don't work. The only job I've ever known was dealing and, uh, using haha, but that didn't work out for me so well."

"Do you need a loan?"

"Psssshhh", she laughed,
"No, Vause. I-i mean, do I look like someone who can't figure shit out on her own?", she smiled at me;
"Trust me, Vause. All I had to do when I got out was uh, go all "you owe me for all the trauma you caused" on the asshole of my so-called father and I got myself uh, a nice appartment with a fantasic view.", she winked at me and chugged her drink.

I looked at Piper;
"Babe, would you get the whiskey out?"
Piper got up from the chair and placed a bottle on the table.

"Hey guys, uh, not that I don't love drinking with you but uh, do any of you have something other than alcohol in this place?", Nicky raised her eyebrows and chuckled.

I looked at Piper and nodded at her.
She reached over to her jacket pocket and took out the bloobs.

"Seriously, Pipes?! You keep them in your pocket?!"

"Whaaaat? You never know when they might come in handy. I'm a pro like that.", she winked at me.

"God, you are the worst drug handler ever. No wonder we got caught.", I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey! No! That was not my fault and you---"

"Ehh, I hate to interrupt your little who's the worst dealer argument but uh, what the fuck are bloobs?"

"They're chocolate covered blueberries with pot in them.", she said with pride in her eyes and excitement in her voice and flashed the bloobs infront of Nicky's face.

"Woah, Chapman! What did you do when they let you out? Spend time inventing the uh, weirdest drug combinations ever?", Nicky laughed and took one in her hands,

"Shall we?"

"We shall.", Piper said and took one out.
I looked at it with distrust and took a shot of whiskey;
"Fine, let's do this."

We all swallowed it and washed it over with our drinks.

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