It Matters How This Ends Part 28

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We went in and walked to the counter. A lady welcomed us.

"Hello. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes, I would like to buy the prettiest ring you have. For me and my fiancé. She's my fiancé.", I looked at Piper, feeling proud.
Her eyes widened in surprise and she got the biggest smile on her face.

"Awww! Al! Really???"

"Yes. Only the best for the best", I said and hugged her.

"Congratulations", the lady said and showed us the rings. I liked almost all of them and there were so many to choose from, I didn't know where to begin. Luckily, Piper immediately fell in love with two beautiful, silver rings. Each ring had two little stars with carat gold in them. The two stars on each ring were so close together, they were almost touching each other.

"I want those two for us."

"I love them. How come stars attracted you?", I asked.

"Do you remember when we were laying on the beachy island and looking at the sky? We saw two little stars and you said they were us. I'm the bottom one and you're the top one, always looking down on me and keeping me safe.", she replied.

"Yeah, and you're the bottom one somewhere else, too", I chuckled;

"I love them. And I love you. We're gonna go with the star ones, please."

"Excellent.", the lady put them in two little boxes;

"That'll be $24.000."

Piper's mouth opened widely;

"Oooooh my God, Larry is going to KILL us!"

"Relax babe, he did watch Mad mad without you, remember? Think of this as a revenge. A carat gold revenge."

"You're right. Fuck Larry."

And with those words, we left the store as official fiancés.

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