It Matters How This Ends Part 17

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"We have been through so much together.",
I said while holding her hands and looking in her eyes.

"Before I got to you, I was so scared thinking I'd never get to see that beautiful face of yours again, or hold you in my arms. Or kiss those sweet lips, or hold your soft hands that fit perfectly in mine. It made me realize, I never want to lose you again. I want your face to be the first thing I see when I wake up, and your lips to be the last thing I kiss before I fall asleep. I want to be with you; now, in the morning, at night, always. For the rest of my life."

I took a deep breath and carassed her hand that was in mine;

"Will you let me take care of you, love you..Will you let me try my hardest for as long as I live to make you as happy as you make me, for the rest of my life..Will you make me the happiest girl in the world..Will you marry me? Again..But this time, for real. With papers and everything.", I asked hopefully.

Piper's eyes started to water and her voice began to shake. For a second, I was afraid her answer wouldn't be what I had expected. I was beginning to feel nervous.

"Pipes? Babe?", I got up and stroked her cheek. I looked her in the eyes and waited for her answer.

"I...I..", her voice broke as she was trying to tell me something.

"You're killing me here, Pipes", I said and began to lose hope and patience.

Piper let go of my hands, wrapped them around my waist and hugged me. I held her in my arms, not knowing of what to think.
A minute went by without any of us saying anything, as she softly pulled away from my arms;

"Alex.", she began to speak.

"Of course I'll marry you!"

I was in souch shock, I couldn't say a word, even though there were millions of thoughts going through my mind. I held her head and our lips touched softly.
My lips kissed her upper lip, and her lips kissed mine. We were kissing passionately under a sky full of stars.

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