It Matters How This Ends Part 52

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"You're so cute.", I said, opened the door for her and took her to the bar to order another drink.
Polly and Larry were still at the table, drinking and talking. I ordered two shots of vodka for myself and Piper and we both downed them as soon as the bartender placed it before us.

"Hey, you guys! Over here!", Polly shouted as soon as she saw us.

"Jesus.", I said and rolled my eyes.

"Let's just have one more quick drink with them and then we can leave.", Piper said.
She waved at Polly and was about to leave to her, when I grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear;

"You and me. Bathroom sex. NOW."

Piper bit her lower lip, yelled: "Be right back!" and took me by the hand. We practically ran to the restroom and started making out before we even closed the door behind us. Piper pushed me onto the toilet seat and sat in my lap, holding my head in her hands and kissing me pasionatelly. I streched out my leg and closed the bathroom stall door.

10 minutes later, we got back to our table.

"Where have you guys been?", Polly asked.

"Oh, we were just..Piper lost the keys to the appartment, so we were just looking for those.", I said and winked at Piper. Larry looked at Polly and raised an eyebrow;

"But your purse is right there. And the keys are right on top of your sweater.", he said and pointed at it. Piper opened her mouth, but no words came from it.

"We were having sex, okay?", I said without hesitation.

"What's so wrong with two adults, getting it on?"

"Nothing. But two adults getting it on in the restroom bar...Well, that's not very adult like.", Larry decided to be a smart ass.

"Well excuse us, Mr. Grandpa. At least we will never be boring and frustrated, like you.", I couldn't help but say.

"Waiter!", Polly attepmted to prevent a fight between us. Luckily, the waiter came quickly;

"Yes, madam?"

"We would like to order another round."

"Certainly. Same order?"

"Yes. But make it a double."

"Of course. Coming right up."

The TV above the bar interrupted our conversation.

"Special report: Police looking for a suspect in drug and weapon trafficking."

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