It Matters How This Ends Part 60

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She practically jumped in my arms and hugged me like she hasn't seen me in forever.

"I missed you so much.", she said and looked into my eyes.

"I missed you too, Pipes.", I kissed her cheek;
"Let's get the fuck out of here.", I grabbed her hand and walked out the door.

"What was that asshole of an officer all about?", Piper asked.

"Oh, Davis. Yeah, he's Hellman's twin."

"What do you mean, Hellman's twin? Did he hurt you?", Piper stopped in the middle of the road.

"Babe, relax. Whatever happened, happened. Everything is cool now. We're together and----"

"No! What the fuck did he do, Alex!?"

"Nothing! Just..chill!"

Piper looked at me and started at my face.

"What? Do I have something between my teeth?", I asked and opened my mouth.

She let go of my hand and started walking fast back towards the station. I ran after her;
"Where are you going?!" She didn't day anything and kept walking.

"Piper, stop!" She ignored me.

She got to the door and started banging on it, screaming;

"Hey!!! Open this fucking door! You're all a bunch of animals! Who dares to hurt my wife!? I demand to speak to your boss!!"

"Piper!", I pulled her away from the door and carried her away from it, across the road.

"Stop! Do you want to get arrested, too?!"

"But Al, they hurt you! And I want to hurt them back!"

"I know you do, babe. It's okay. Come here.",
I wrapped my arms around her and held her in my hug;
"We're together now. Nothing can harm us, okay?" Piper quietly sobbed in my arms and my heart was breaking for her.

" about we go back home, drink some coffee and read the newspaper? Our annoucnement came out today, didn't it?"

"Yes..I didn't read it yet. I wanted to wait for you."

"Okay, good, so let's go do that. Yes?" Piper nodded and we left.

I sat down on the kitchen chair and tapped my legs;
"Come. Sit." Piper put a mug of coffee on the table and sat down in my lap. I corrected my glasses and opened the newspaper.

"Okay, page 12.", I mumbled to myself and looked for it.

"There!", Piper pointed at the newspaper, "there it is!"

"Through love, through pain, through beauty fish, forever - Soon to be Mrs. Alex & Piper Vause-Chapman."

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